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More experiences in being a woman

First of all, thank you so much for the confidence and comments on all of my entries so far, and to Carolinetyler your two cents are priceless in my book so you can give me your two cents whenever you feel like it :) .

I figured its a friday so Id write a new blog entry, its kinda been a long time since I did so I thought itd be a fun idea. I've gotten a lot of confidence boosts since I wrote my last entry about the hurry up and wait. A lot of that has come from the comments I got from everyone here but there was a specific incident that helped me a lot too. SO I had a therapy session recently and my therapist thought it would be a good idea if we went out for coffee, rather than stay in her office. She wanted to see first hand how I reacted to social situations being totally a woman. She was completely shocked at how well I was able to sit and have a conversation with her. She asked me how I was feeling and how I was managing the stress of being in public. I was nervous but it was amazing how no one really realized I was trans, or if they did they didn't care. After a little bit, I had a woman come up to me and say hi. I was really nervous because she was a stranger and I thought that my therapist had set that up but when I looked at her, she looked nervous as well. So i said hi and she appologized for interupting our coffee but she wanted to know about my shoes. I wore some black heels that I got at burlington coat factory. After I told her about them she excused herself and said goodbye and was really polite. Also the whole time I was there, everyone refered me to as Miss, which I always like.

Other than that, basically Im still waiting a little longer to start living fully as a female. Mostly is because of my brother's wedding which happens in september. When I told my parents earlier this year about my transitioning they were very supportive but they were concerned about his wedding and everything about that. So we decided together that I would wait 2 months and then I would really begin the process and start living closer to full time. I plan on telling my brother when he gets back from his honeymoon. The reason me and my parents have decided to wait is because I don't want to make a specitcal of myself at their wedding. It should be about them and no other distractions.

I am still starting hormones in august, I figured they shouldn't affect my body too much in the course of 3 weeks that makes noticable changes in my apperance for my brothers big day and also continuing electrolysis, which will be I think my 5th session this coming week. I've really started noticing how much thinner my facial hair is getting and Im hoping towards the end of september or middle of october I wont have to go every week, cuz it does get a little expensive with that, therapy, hormones and all the other everyday expenses, but Im managing pretty good right now.

Thanks everyone for watching my video blog on youtube as well (if you haven't seen it check out my profile to get the link to watch me ;) ). I haven't taken a break from it yet but i've been having issues trying to post new videos, basically i just haven't liked how they've been turning out, but I will get more up.

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Hi Tiffanys i just found this site and to be honest this is the first post I have read.Me myself im trying to figure out were to start and what to do.I read that u r going to start hormone therapy later.I have been reading alot about it but dont know if i should just go to my doc and ask about it or what.I really dont mean to ask anything heavy but like i said i read what u wrote and hoped u might be able to help.If able please let me know oh and hope the wedding turns out great. Thanks Ashly

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