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New blog - same old Caroline!!!

Hi all,

First for those who have not read my profile - here's a very quick introduction to me...

Pre-Op Trans-woman,49 next week, living in London, United Kingdom

Work full time in IT for an Investment bank which keeps wolf from the door.

Not yet on any hormonal treatment and have been living full time as female since the middle of May 2009.

Under the care of the Charing Cross gender clinic in Hammersmith, West London.

1st appointment with them was early June 2010 and my 2nd tomorrow - October 6th.

Still technically married but separated since January 2009, I expect divorce will be in early 2011. Have two children from that (21 and 17 - both boys) which I in NO WAY regret - they are fantastic.

Have now have a new partner (ohhhh! for 5 whole weeks now!) who is a genetic girl and who thinks I'm "Fabulous". Early days but we both love each other very much.

My transition at work was moderately painless and I'm loving living as the woman I should have been born as.


So here I am, less than 24 hours away from my 2nd appointment at the gender clinic, hoping that I will get my 2nd sign off from them and that I will be referred to the endocrinologist for hormone treatment. Its been a long road of frustrations with the NHS (National Health Service) seeing doctors, shrinks etc, getting funding approved, having that funding transferred to the clinic etc. but its finally happening for me and I'm SO excited.

Like many trans-women of around my age I just wish I could have done this 20-30 years ago before the ravages of time have taken their toil. Things were just so different in the 70-80's.

I'll try and keep this blog updated with my thoughts on everything to do with me and maybe some of you readers of this might find it interesting.

Love and hugs

Caroline Tyler x x x x


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Dear Caroline,

Good luck on your 2nd appointment! I wish you a happy lifelong love with your newly found girlfriend!



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