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It's almost over.

YAY!  We're closing on the house Tuesday!!!!  Then on Saturday a coworker friend we've been making is coming all the way up here to help us move.  He's aware of my hernia issue and my ability to live/carry things being compromised and wanted to help Nikki out and I'll just be organizing and using the wagon I won last year at a picnic giveaway (I love that collapsible canvas wagon, they are the best things ever!  Lightweight, maneuverable, but roomy and strong!).  

I"M MOVING!   One more week here at crazy mom's and I"ll be free.  

Nikki will be able to have whatever girl time he wants, I'll be able to get out of a corner (I literally have spent the last year either in bed or living in my computer corner of the sunroom with occasional visits to the bathroom as needed) and walk around the house, NO CARPETS (they are really unhealthy to people with asthma and allergies), it's going to be lovely!  We don't own a couch right now due to cancer kitty's issues at the end so we're still going to be on high savings mode to get some things we need for it after buying it, but that's okay.  Especially with all the overtime I'm working lately.  Nikki's salary, he just has to do it, I get financial rewards.   Sometimes it pays to be hourly!  :)  Nikki is going to set up my rowing machine and dance dance revolution game as a sort of home gym for me to get back on the health improvement bandwagon.  

I think I am going to try to find a therapist that does late evening appointments though.  I'm not in the right head-space, and I"ve lost a lot of internal ground as well as need to pursue Nikki's theory that was misdiagnosed add instead of adhd.  There might be more behavioral therapy appointments in my future as I was never able to conquer some of the aspects of my disorder, and if they were treating it wrong that would explain a bit.  IF not, meh, we all have a few personal failings.  :)

But right now it's joy to the Bree cuz I survived!  :)  Moving day will probably be less stressful this time with the extra help too. : )


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