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Dear Dawn,

To me, the major determinant as to a person being a woman or a man is behavior.

In high school, I had a Straight girlfriend who was 6'4". Also in high school, I knew a 3'8" man, who was also Straight. Have known men and women of every shape and size, of all genders and sexual orientations.

Heavy and fine bones are found in both men and women.

Ultimately, I look between the ears as character is all-important.

Dawn, I find you very ladylike.

As for myself, I was accused as being butch on the outside and fem on the inside, when what I really am is a well-mannered mid-butch Lesbian.

Think we should strive for consistency in behavior, while leaving room to grow. Behavior should steadily change for the better as we grow.

Your friend,


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Thanks Monica - I will be adding lots more info to this site - still learning the format - - -


Behavior?   Yes!  This can be driven by hormones - mental frame of mind - upbringing - Just thinking. 


Calling it a day - but I am very engaged in this topic.  Dawn


Ballet 5 - best.jpg

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Dear Dawn,

Love your picture.

Think this is an important dialogue for women, as we live in a fat shaming culture.

Your friend,


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Hello Monica,  You are right - losing or managing weight is a newer society norm and a major cause for shame.  It is unjustified. I actually like to eat and if I am not careful 20 pounds come on me fast.  I have noticed when I am close to 140lbs or less - everyone treats me differently; holding doors and asking to help me with heavy bags - my height of 5' 7" I cannot change - but I have looked at the last set of photos where I managed to get my weight to 138 and I really seemed beyond skinny.  (maybe unhealthy so)  When I was just a bit heavier about 143 my body looked softer.  Too much weight loss really can be bad - But we were talking about height on this segment.  More soon.

Weight Diff.jpg

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Dear Dawn,

On a related subject, large breasts make some men think the woman is "easy," when breast size has nothing to do with character.

Have been able to slim down several times in my life, and I have noticed people treating me better when I was slimmer than when I was more heavy.

Your friend,


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