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Flip flop annoyance

Lately I feel I'm doing a bit better. Fewer super low dips, and fewer super high highs. Even my appetite has improved (yay! I love food!). But I'm annoyed. Thoroughly annoyed. My brain does what I call flip flopping. It's been doing this for months. I wake up in the morning male (usually), but within a few hours it flips to female. A few hours later again it flops back to male. This back and forth flip flopping continues throughout the whole day, or until I'm too tired (usually around 5 o'clock I hit a wall; life with kids...). Sometimes one side lasts a few hours, sometimes only a few minutes. This used to be a pretty fun game. Hi Emily. Hi Tom. But it's starting to get really old. I don't even care anymore if I'm male or female or something in-between or outside. I wish my brain would just pick one and stick with it. So, brain, stop it already! I'm annoyed and confused.

On the positive side, I've been reaching out a bit more locally and found a new counselor, and I'll also do some blood tests. The latter tests are for the just-in-case-something-else-is-going-on-scenario. The counselor is from a local LBGTQ+ center. I've been there once now, and everyone is super nice and completely non-assuming. It gives a great feeling of comfort. I'll see the new counselor later this month, and in March I should be able to start with a support group there. With some luck, all this will help stop the flip flops soon.

Thanks all, for letting me rant and vent.




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