Our Times
These are certainly the times that try men’s and women’s and all of us in between’s souls. I am fully supportive of Black Lives Matter, and I finally “get it.” I need to do more to help end 400 years of oppression and injustice against black people. Enough is enough! I have started a modest contribution to BLM.
Of course, then we have our “fearless” leader ending protections for LGBQT folks. He has to go, and everyone better be voting for Biden even if it were discovered he was a crack head. No third-party distracting candidates like the last time. It is a little encouraging that he is thinking about what he will do it he loses.
So, what have I been up to? I made friends with the lady at the Goodwill store where I bought a dress and a skirt. Even signed up for their rewards program. I will be back. I also bought a bra since I lost all mine in the move. It is cute, but I could have bought a size bigger. I am not that little.
My hair continues to grow, and I really need to get to a stylist soon to give it some shape. I am thinking about highlights too. I think I can get away with it. I want to look good, and it would not hurt to be a little more noticeable. I am through with blending in—no fun!
I am as good as I have ever been. I am getting my hours in at work and continuing to make friends there. I stay pretty busy. The weather has been gorgeous. The news is somewhat depressing, but I remain optimistic. We are Americans, right. We can make democracy work if we want to. Like Churchill said, “Americans do the right thing after they have tried everything else.”
More to come….
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