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I notice that you mentioned your heading out to arrest bad guys , maybe you could shed a light into the mystery of the force ... In the past and as far I know there are still officers that believe that we TG's are no better then child rapists or petafiles and need to be taught a lesson that society doesn't need nor want us around and deam them selves worthy the task of punishing us for being Trans in any form . do you feel that these officers should be thrown to the wolves behind bars for the abusses they subject us ( wide ranging not specific to myself or you )too , or should they simply be repremanded in public and patted on the back behind closed doors like so many do and have been .... I would also ask what do you suppose they would do if you came out to them as being trans , would you find your self in the situation so many others have found them selves in or would they gladdy remain your partner or co-worker , I am just courious , what were your past beliefs about trans individuals when they ended up being in front of you and your blinking lights .. I wont ask any more questions These are hard enough to answer thats why its nice to have an officer come to the for front now maybe I can feel a little safer knowing that there are more then one TransOfficers working within the force .

Sorry if to direct, You will find out thats just how I am , Welcome to the forum and the blog section . hope to hear more from you in the future ..

Huggs Steph



There are so many layers of thought and discussion that could be explored from even this one small part of your query.

There are always those, in every group, that beat down and attempt to destroy those not like themselves. I would wonder if some of the punishment that they inflict, on some level, is not punishment they feel for themselves.

Look at the movie "A soldiers girl" Did not the instigator that got Berry killed have Tran issues of his own? I cannot answer, in general, to your query. Each encounter between the police and a trangendered person must be looked at individually.

What caused the eye of the law enforcement sect to fall upon the transgendered person in question. Being TG alone in not a crime, however there are alot of TG's that have fallen into the SEX-CRIME melting pot.

No one likes to have a police office encounter except those that seek it out. I have in the past conducted a traffic stop that involved a TG/CD/TS person and they got treatment just like any other citizen. In fact, they were treated by me according to their expressed gender, regardless what the drivers license told me. I doubt very much if this courtesy would have been extended to them down at the jail by either sex on either side of the iron bars.

In a group of cops however, I doubt that even this little bit of human courtesy would be expressed. i wonder... suppose that two closet TG cops working together came upon a Cross Dressed Driver. Since most of us TG's have led secret lives and have become very skilled at playing roles and wearing masks, I also doubt that the driver would get much courtesy. In reality the driver would probably get a homophobic and perhaps a homocruel response as part of role either of our two cops may play.

In the past and as far I know there are still officers that believe that we TG's are no better then child rapists or petafiles and need to be taught a lesson that society doesn't need nor want us around and deam them selves worthy the task of punishing us for being Trans in any form



Understood and well put , I was simply courious to your thoughts .. I suppose you are correct on numerous points , and am glad to hear your side of the glass on the tg you stopped . Yes I suppose the sex industry does stir some seedy individuals your way but dont they desirve some compasion a a hint of respect if they are showing you the courtasy ? A set of bars is a set of bars it's the individuals on the other side I am often worried about ... some times it's not the one's on the inside that frighten me , it those who closed the door I believe need to be watched a little closer , to often their the ones that cause the so called self inflicted injuries , or perpitrate the brutal attack that leads to the they must of slipped and fell then twisted their neck killing them on the way down physicality ... I don't wish to sound as though I don't respect nor admire the great job that so many underpaid officers do in the name of their fellow man but as you are I am sure awair there are snakes in the grass that will strike out in anger for those that they have no desire to understand ..

I want to thank you for your Service , So Thank you so very much you are appreciated .

You take care , and huggs


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