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Not a dream anymore but reality, and a very stressful one indeed.

I am very happy to have completed transition and become accepted in my new identity. However with very little support from friends and family of the past. The stress of keeping up each day is starting to take its toll on me.

I was hired full-time in a job in which everyone that surrounds me on a daily basis does not know of my past, Nor do they give me any inclination that they even think that I have ever been anything other than who I am now.

Because I could not afford any type of hair removal I successfully chose plucking in order to get me by. I pleasantly report that the plucking succeeded in reducing my hair growth dramatically and the hairs come back thinner and lighter. However the only way to completely eliminate beard shadow would be electrolysis or laser. The shadow occurs from the pigment that is located at the base of the follicle.

Even cis-gender women can have this problem, so I do not feel completely out of place.. I do spend at least 1/2 hour each day doing maintenance on my face to keep looking feminine and fresh, but there really isn't that much to pluck unless I skip a day. But since I first plucked, I have not shaved and this growth has slowed significantly.

Since Hormones have also helped me, I do remember reading that over time Estrogen may cause the facial skin to thin out a bit, revealing more of the shadowed pigment underneath the skin. So how does this affect me???

I feel more self conscious about having a shadow because I do not and cannot have anyone talking about or guessing about my identity. However I have seen cis-gendered women with more shadow than me so half of these feelings may be in my head.

Words cannot express what it is like to have to dress professionally 24/7. I went from never being able to dress up to having to follow a strict professional dress code which requires things like dresses, skirts, nylons and fine leather shoes. I have gotten used to this now, but I sincerely miss the days when I could just get up and be casual once in while.

Well I am so tired I can't stay awake. I sleep in hotel rooms every night and end up keeping my makeup on through the night just in case someone were to pull the fire alarm forcing me to leave the comfort of my room.

More to follow..........



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it is hard to maintain , yet GG's feel the same way as you know and your absolutely right I have seen many more woman with more pronounced grouth then mine yet I have days that no matter what I do it still shows through to me .

Keep your head up hun , I by the way Love my Heals and Skirts the nylons yeash can you say HOT , lol no good on a pms day is it .LOL

take care hun I am so proud to know you and call you my friend and Sister .


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I envy you and feel a bit sorry, I am just beginning my transition,I have a long way to go to even begin to pass so envy you your success (congradulatations by the way. I also have little to no support from friends and relatives. Mostly because I cannot tell my relatives due to bigotry (the extreme kind). So I can feel for you on that fromt.

I will be leaving my home shortly due to that biggotry and will be very sad to do so, but it is necessar y to do so.

I truly am happy for you and your success. I hope that you also will get to a position that you can get lasor and or electrolisis so that you needn’t pluck any more, it sounds painful.

I wish you well and the best for the future. :lol:



my name is John, but I go by Alicia. It's so hard for me to passs as a woman because I have such a deep voice but I'm working on it it's just hard, and as for shaving I have to shave every night. I STILL can't line up my eyebrows the right way though, I need help



be greatful your passing. I dont think i ever will, I guess I must be satisfied. i hoping to achieve a full A almost B.I waited till my 50's to start, Be Happy

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