Making Friends is Nice!!!
At first I thought when I got to this website (Tgguide) that I was a website whore??
Tell ya why, I was registered at another site, and was very happy their but, something happend and someone told me to leave.
( this was not done by a monitor/Admin/or because I did / said anything wrong.)
I guess, these people did not care for my company??? I guess??
So they told me to go........ this hurt me really bad; I felt like here we go again girl REJECTED. T.T
Then, after a period of time I found this community!!! I was very hesitant to come here. Took a couple of invites to get me to come. But, I 'm ecstatic that I exepted the invation!!! I really like this community and feel at home. So far so good, been making friends and this is exactly what I wanted, and needed. I start to become more positive too;
this makes someone FEEL GREAT!!!!!
God, I thank all of you for that; I can't express in words how you all saved my life, seriously.
When I wrote a bunch of negative words you all keep Email me to make sure that I was better.
How do you thank somebody for that ??????? Word cannot express how I feel?..........
Maybe this word, love works for a fellow person! How Kind you all are; now to be making friends OMG you all are going to make me say......... I love you all very much with all my heart!!!!!
and I 'm not just say'n that you'll see,Please don't change. Good night I 'm getting so mushy look what good people can do for someone so hurt!
Here I go again lol
got to stop or I'll make myself sick
I guess, you all are going to see this a lot from me from now on LOVE YA!!!!!!!
I'm so impetuous LOL.............I do mean it though The Blog Hog Thanks you all !
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