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Making Friends is Nice!!!

At first I thought when I got to this website (Tgguide) that I was a website whore?? :o

Tell ya why, I was registered at another site, and was very happy their but, something happend and someone told me to leave.

( this was not done by a monitor/Admin/or because I did / said anything wrong.)

I guess, these people did not care for my company??? I guess??

So they told me to go........ this hurt me really bad; I felt like here we go again girl REJECTED. T.T

Then, after a period of time I found this community!!! I was very hesitant to come here. Took a couple of invites to get me to come. But, I 'm ecstatic that I exepted the invation!!! :D I really like this community and feel at home. So far so good, been making friends and this is exactly what I wanted, and needed. I start to become more positive too;

this makes someone FEEL GREAT!!!!! :D

God, I thank all of you for that; I can't express in words how you all saved my life, seriously.

When I wrote a bunch of negative words you all keep Email me to make sure that I was better.

How do you thank somebody for that ??????? Word cannot express how I feel?..........

Maybe this word, love works for a fellow person! How Kind you all are; now to be making friends OMG you all are going to make me say......... I love you all very much with all my heart!!!!! :wub:

and I 'm not just say'n that you'll see,Please don't change. Good night I 'm getting so mushy :P look what good people can do for someone so hurt! :D Here I go again lol

got to stop or I'll make myself sick :P

I guess, you all are going to see this a lot from me from now on LOVE YA!!!!!!! :lol:

I'm so impetuous LOL.............I do mean it though ;) The Blog Hog Thanks you all !


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I clicked the "Like This" button but only because there isn't a "Love This" button. :)

It's so great to have you here. We've come a long way actually as we've been finding our way over the years. I'm glad to hear you feel a sense of belonging here. We try to be inclusive, rather than an exclusive group that's only designed for one certain type of transgender people.

All we ask is that everybody get involved and help us help each other.

Lots of (((hugs)))


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Plauge , ya are who ya is . I say that cause we all are unique , regardless of what we try to be . We bring different talents to the table . We bring our opinions however varied too. I find mature individuals shoukld be strong enough to recognize differences and allow for a varence of thought . From here , we seek a truth .........

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