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Beware of where you go!

I'm going to start this part of the blog with a scenario........I'll tell you if it is true later.

Suppose you like to walk in the public park, at around 6:30-7:00am and someone in a car pulls in front of you and starts to make a spspspspsps sound at you. What would you do? How would you react?

How scared would you be?

I can't think of anymore questions to ask myself even though there are more.

Alright I tell you this is true; happend twice to me two days in a row. I becoming a little concerned.

I put this in here so you could my thinking; I have many choices some good and some not so good.

What I decided to do is walk some where else it is a big park. Of course I have every right to keep walking there..... right....... Wrong,this is my point, find the easy path and get on it, yes I could stay there and he could have a gun,or knife, and be on drugs too. We all need to look for this path at times especially if danger is lurking around.If you get that funny feeling in your stomach I would listen to it and have.

When you see most smart people; they take the easy path and I have learned from watch them.

Stay safe never sorry........be in good spirit...let love rein supreme in you life and peace out.


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Good advice i always found the courage to face my threats but it wasn't easy.

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Thank you for bringing up this important topic Plague.

It's always best to avoid situations where you will be at risk. I'm a big believer in risk avoidance and risk management. You make a good point. Sometimes we should be careful about the situations we put ourselves in.

For example, I know a very attractive, young transgender woman locally. She is totally passable - virtually flawless in appearance, voice and demeanor. She enjoys the nightclub scene. To be blunt, she drinks excessively and hooks up with men she meets there. It's all great fun to her but it exposes her to far too much risk.

I advised my friend not to drink to the point of being intoxicated and out of control, not to go to the nightclubs alone and never, ever leave the club with someone she just met. We also discussed the fact that she doesn't always use protection when she engages in sex with the men she meets at the bars.

This example is played out on a nightly basis all over the world. I think we have to be very cautious and be sure we're safe. I know we should all have the right to do what we want as long as it doesn't harm anyone and I'm all about having fun. We should certainly never blame the victim for criminal actions of another person, but we have to be responsible also given the realities of the world we live in.

There are people out there who will target us for whatever their reasons might be. We must be aware of the potential risks and seek to minimize them so we can be safe. Don't be shy to ask for help if you feel threatened. Tell someone if you think you're being followed or if something doesn't feel right. Call the police if you need to. Just stay safe.

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Ms.Lori that's the point I was trying to get across glad you got it!

Just because I'm a woman does not mean I'm promiscuous.

The person in that truck thought I was... I guess? Don't know why I was only in work out clothes......nothing flashy,or trashy...LOL

However, I hope by weaving this post and wonderful comments made in this blog; if one puts it together it may help someone.That's what it is all about...HELP!=LEARN! and staying safe, making smart chose's :)

Peace Out



You can be accosted any time any where . I was almost accosted on the side of a 7-11 store at 8:30 AM . Don't tell me , it only happens in isolated areas ................

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