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Learn to laugh >^.^<

Today I found it interesting I finally think I've gone crazy.....seriously!! I used to get so upset at people who would call me names. Today I was at the grocery store and these two guys called me a FAG!!!(sorry for the use of that word.)

I didn't even look at them I just started to laugh......out loud......I didn't even care..

This is not my usual response.

Usually I go off on somebody who called me anything.

However, these two guys just stood there and than; one of them said,"what's so funny?" I told them what you called me and I said,"it is a funny term for someone who is transgender."

The one young man looked at the other and said, "whats a transgender?" the other guy said,"I learned about that in college."

So we satrted to talk and as we did they found out I'm A HUMAN BEING just like them.

Here is where I got stunned....They apologized, and thought I was pretty cool!

All this started because I laughed at my self!

Now I will try to show with words what started me to laugh out loud. they called me a Fag= gay=happy that's all it took for me to start to laugh.

that's what I thought of!....LOL with me.

So today I learned to laugh at my self and not take things soooo serious; unless it needs to be taken that way!! I feels pretty good just to laugh again.


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This is an awesome story! Of course you shouldn't have to explain yourself at all, but you just helped change the perception of two people who were ignorant about what transgender is. :)

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sorry i think we need to help others understand in order to calm the fear in witch causes ignerance in the first place its served me well in the past.

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Exactly Ms. Dainna we defnitely need to talk things out in stead of acting things out. Who knows we may even make a friend by doing so!

thank you Peace Out >^.^<

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I have had my share of that as well and I have found that when you laugh it really takes them off gaurd and in some sort of surprise it opens them up to a Dialog they would other wise not engage in . Good For you Hun , so proud to hear that you expierianced this in a possitive manner , at times remember though that not everyone is as open to such a dialog nor to understanding what your trying to explain to them.

My best Hugs

Stephani P.

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So true Ms. Stephani P.... I believe to be cautious about some situations. They could take a ugly turn unexpectedly.

Thanx sweetie

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