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Caution..Don't read this!!

I'm mad as hell and I ain't going to take this CRAP!!!!

I going to spew venom right now.....and it may upset you to read, so stop right here please.

However this is how I feel and I need a place to release my frustration!!!

What hell is wrong with medical system; everything has to have a dollar attached to it!!!

They say, "I care" I say, "Bull S**T!!!" Ya right, if you are someone rich, or famous maybe than the conversation would be like this "O..O....O just have a seat and I'll listen to you doesn't matter about time"...."NO BIGGY!!!"

But If you just a common person; then the conversation is, "how much money do you have in the bank?"

DOESENT ANYBODY CARE????? Am I asking for to much???? I feel like you stupid, STUPID GIRL!!!

Well it doesn't take long for this girl to wise up, and this woman is putting her foot down!

I mean really do women who need estrogen do they, need a psychiatrist, therapist, and a support group?? Really!!!

I don't think so; so what is the point let's rip off the transgender people??

That's OK because now this woman is going to execute planning A!

I mean my goodness they're backing this cat into a corner!!

I know I'm a woman trapped in a man's body,but give a gal a break...Please

Anyway I don't want to get redundant.

A womans' got to do what a womans' gotta do!! I will fix this mess some how!!


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Oh hun , Been there Done that ... So your not alone in this thinking nor mind set , the problem isn't about the money issues because we all face that , Men ,Woman, Gay, Bi, Lesbian, Androginous , its a human condition brought to you by the Romans ... Give unto Ceaser what is his , well the notion has simply trickled into every one elses mind set because of the need , the want , and the desire for greater thing then you have right now .

I know your Ranting just to get it out , I understand you really dont want any input back I simply want to tell you that no matter what Plan A is , I understand and would advise 1. Blood workup first , yes I know money , 2 . Finding a Doctor near that can and will aid with the tests so you understand the results . 3 . A psychologist isn't the enemy they really do care and only wish you a sound and stable mind to get through all the rough times that your going to undergo . I know money Damned Doctors ...

I would love to help in any way I can please PM me and sorry I know you sent me a Message a long while back but my mind has about a million things going on I am far from remembering the message or my reply .

You dont look like the Plague so maybe a change to Nancy , or Trisha those names come to mind when I look into your eyes .

Take care hun Hugs

Stephani P.

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Ms. Stephani.P thank you for comment. I think it is just part of paying my womanly dues.....Just hate being told one thing by my doctors and I do them, and then the list gets longer. Just give me the whole stinking list.

I don't understand their thinking??

O well ... thanks you...your very sweet!!

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