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The End.



Yep, it is the end of the year; Wow! Am I glad it is over! What a year I had. I got into legal trouble, lost my house, trucks and have to pay $200,000.00 restitution; Oh yes can't forget 5 years probation, and you have to pay that bill too.

I'm telling you, if this is not enough; then add the fact I have to live with in-laws for a while....

Pass the bullet! Please.

At my age most people are look'n ahead to the golden years. I'm look'n for a box, a hole,and dirt!

This year I also, decided to stop hidding my true self...that's right, Out I Came! No more closet time!!

This is the best thing I did all year long; for now no more secrets, and sneaking around,finally!

So for me this is a very special New Year....Life Starts Now!!!

I'm hoping, and praying this year, will be my year of mercy, love,and courage. I'm going to need all three from what I understand. Researching transition, and seeing the brave people that have come before me I can see this is not an easy path. But good things don't come easy, it takes effort, and strength.

I'm so happy that I foundTGGuide, and made some friends too. I also have a psychiatrist and she's wonderful, helpful and very understanding.

I can't wait to find a transgender support group they have called me, and I look forward to meeting them soon. So things are starting to come together; the material stuff can be replaced, that did not define me, nor make me a better person.

However, my being true to myself will, Yes it will!

Make me a better person, inside and, to be around.

Now I'm not going to lie, because this is a new beginning; that means there are losses involved. I've lost friends, family, and my gender identity; which was wrong anyway.

So this is my starting point; this is a fresh start! I know I'm going to gain everything back plus more. It may just take a while, but that's what I have plenty of time! So yes indeed this is going to be a new year for me, and I look forward to it, a brand new frontier! This is probably why I can face this year coming up with a huge smile on my face, and in my heart. I have no fear, I have to get past that so love can occupy,and fill my heart. This is how I choose to face the new year, I know that blessings lie ahead; I'm just so excited! To see how this year turns out, but for now I'll have to take it one step at a time; one day at a time and keep a song in my heart, and a smile on my face.

I will not surrender! To the negative side of my thinking. Peace Out!! =^.^=

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Sounds like you have the right attitude and you're doing all the right things. Hang in there girl! :) And be sure to let us know how things are going for you. It gets better!

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