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Update to my last blog post

I wanted to let people know things are going a bit better. I was informed about a job that has been in the wings last Thursday that things are in motion for me to start work to make money. That being said I was also helped by my father in current money issues and was able to regain use of HRT meds. I am however now stuck in a awkward place as my new job will be a trendy retail store, and this will be my first job as Brittany (all be it in name only as I have yet to legally change it yet) while I look passable for the most part these days I will always carry doubts but with my agreement to my father I have to take greater work on behaving as a female, with even the little motions of what and how I eat, getting my hair done professionally (something I have avoided since a bad experience when I came out resulting in losing a years worth of hair growth) and the suttle actions of language and exercise. I will report more as things develop but for now things look to be headed towards an upward swing, I just need to find a new skilled Therapist in my area to help out.


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This is good news indeed! A little advice... Mannerisms and confidence are paramount in passing as a genetic woman. Insecurity will get you noticed faster then anything else. Also, you might observe behavior of woman around you of simular age and lifestyle and try to mimic them. When in Rome... Well, your off to a god start! Take care

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