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Transgender Message Forum
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Welcome to my Domain in Parallel Reality for sure !

  • Visit Outcast-all dot com for serious analysis for level 2 increments with NEW SECTIONS added monthly - the website is offline & will be live online on August 29 2014 !
    With addition of components integrated for user experience - Galleries of 3D art called reflections to msg forums & classified section in development.

    • A daily journal about your life and experience
    • Please visit outcast-all (dot) com for detailed analysis of Cross dressers AFTER LIFE to PRE or POST CDS-ing level - moods our new sections depicting by 3Dreflections & chats & new section for Classified & etc the next level of gender change !

      • My discovery on trans forums

      As I was transforming myself to cross dresser professional level to doing it in public for first couple of weeks initially at the beginning last year. I was compelled to learn a new fact of life most males in their original country of birth ( Please check my youtube channel and under factual playlist topics videos ) As someone opposed from foreign country such as me living in an international country or country of not his or her birth. UPDATE : To 2nd series of topic video has been uploaded for subscribers ONLY. The 2nd part of the above topic has been uploaded [on August 18 2013 ] & the link is embedded in part 1 video description page.. there will be part 3 as well as I am finding out more statistics daily about the above topic in reality. THIS TOPIC IS DEEPER INTO SUBJECT NOT FOR NEWBIES FYI

      • A journal documenting when you go full time

      Please watch my dedicated channel on YouTube or this intro video on youtube youtu.be/K4EYIrblkNc

      A journal to document your gender reassignment surgery

      Well it's still male gender for now since I am thinking of re-assignment in 20 years time. Trying to build a cross dressing concept of without gender re-assignment surgery to act as both genders while retaining original gender watch video on youtube here youtu.be/Hu0bZSWhFEM

      • Dating experiences and tips

      It wouldn't be fair to talk about personal issues on dating after cross dressing since the response after cross dressing is huge or mega in comparison to single gender dating.

      • Cross-dressing tips

      I think the net has enough resources for to access instead of me giving tips or re-inventing the cross dressing tips and tricks cycle. Lets go to next of couple of cds-ing levels so one has discovered to put make on whats next ?Whats after cds-ing? is it gender re-assignment surgery? or not?

      • Experience with makeup : these message forums are not make up discussion but on serious note for higher level of glancing at Parallel Reality instead of AI (Artificial Intelligence ) Lol.

      I am getting way good at it. Please watch my dedicated channel on YouTube link here youtu.be/s3ZMRCmbVVI or search for CrossDressing001 and hit enter.

      • Passing in public

      It's a walk in a park, for those who pre-planned life years in advance (by my age now i could be a couch potatoe or like Arnold S as Escape plan, but instead i am crossdresser. Yesterday I changed my clothes and put on my wig in less than 7 minutes between 2 columns in a lobby while people were walking and no one noticed me, when I stepped out I was a girl. Watch link again on youtube here youtu.be/5LOXaKROPWo

      • Your experiences when you go out in public

      Mind boggling and I will publish a book with detail analysis for someone to walk in my shoes and experience it or have the pleasures that I am having as mdma reaction or similar experiences of the effect. Watch on youtube link here youtu.be/cMf3ar4yvQg

      • Restroom experiences

      N/A. Watch my channel.

      • Transitioning at work

      I just got job interview at dance strip night club, while working on 2nd part time retail at shopping mall!

      • Dealing with counselors or medical personnel

      I have my own psychiatrist & personal docter.

      • Introspection about your particular gender identity
        Watch AcidMix released Oct 15 2013

      I am 2 people in 1.Please watch my dedicated channel on YouTube search for CrossDressing001 and hit enter. Videos coming soon on this topic but feel free to watch a very realistic approach towards cross dressing in today real world motivational or reasons for cds-ing youtu.be/VowVSxolY6M

        watch AcidMix youtu.be/9X2D5wvYL2Q or search for Cro youtu.be/9X2D5wvYL2Q
      • Dealing with or overcoming self-limiting beliefs

      To go all the way with re-assignment surgery later on or not?

      • Dealing with addictions

      Shopping is my weakness so I have to limit myself in other ways of performing her. It can get over addictive. Videos coming soon.

      • Dealing with self-destructive behaviors

      Getting too aggressive or over confident and doing something silly. Trying imitating normal personalities as her.

      • Changing your driver's license, birth certificate, etc.


      • Applying for jobs


      • Your big day, when you go full time

      Almost every day once at least or 3 different malls at a given day.

      • Hormonal development (please don't discuss dosages or make medical type recommendations)


      • Experiences with electrolysis

      Not done it yet still old fashion shaving and blades.

      • How other members of your new gender react to you, and your experiences

      They all luv me from the ones who unable to do cross dressing those ones all hate me it is very simple logic in scientific form. Just watch my channel I don't even look at it that much people subscribe monthly.

      • Your recommendations to others about to follow your path

      Accept cds-ing to ones comfort zone not anything nothing less.

      • Your thoughts about whether surgery is necessary to be your desired gender

      Not applicable but my whole theme for video development is for living as a girl without any medical seurgical methods, only cross dress with limited treatments as facial removal to retain original gender.

      • Differences in how you feel dressed or not dressed

      Oh My God! Oh my gosh just amazing in super attention to low attention in original gender clothes. Revealing body parts to attributes to what not it will all be published in my book.

      • What your life would be like if you still repressed your inner identity

      10% failure in activities participation.

      • Poetry or prose

      A lily inside a rose to blossom naturally as original self.


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