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Another day of new complications. Binder Issues

Hello, people of the pages. Ah the endless pages....

So, just like anything else we try to accomplish, there are always roadblocks.

Aside from the fact that I dont really know what to write about tonight, I thought I would ramble about an issue I'd been having today.

My Binder.

Technically speaking, I'm not sure if its actually a binder or not. It's a Torso Compression Tank from Manshape for FTMs. My first one I'd ever bought, EVER, so I probably got it wrong. Maybe?

Anyway, I wear it over a sleeveless compression shirt from underarmor when I'm at work.

Its made my life so much easier to not have THOSE in my way all the time. Granted I would be beyond happy and grateful if they could shrink away even more, but hey. Not much a 44DD can get without surgery. (Which is an eventually plan, trust me! >.< )

But lately I have noticed a bit of an issue, especially today.

When my 'set' (binder and compression shirt) start to feel like theyve stretched out a bit, I toss them in my dryer for a few minutes (i read online that it's the way to go to get them back into shape).

So I did so this morning before work, and noticed a difference immediatly. I didnt think much of it, really. Did my normal routine, and went to work.

But ALL DAY I felt like I was short of breath, that I couldnt breathe. I've NEVER had this problem before. Ever.

Maybe it simply shrunk down too much, but after reading horror stories, I always worry that I'm inflicting damage to my lungs or something.

They say beauty is pain. But people dont realize that unbeauty hurts too. I dont wear makeup anymore, and never really did to be honest. But now my eyes feel dry all the time. I dont wear chapstick as much because I feel stupid putting it on, so now my lips split alot from chewing on them from my anxiety.

And most of all...this whole binding thing. Now that I have them, I feel totally and utterly lost and horrible if I am forced to switch to a bra to 'give myself a break'. My boyfriend insists that during the weekends or at home, I wear nothing or a bra, and stay out of a binder. Which I can understand.

But I cant go in public without them anymore...I hate it. I feel so stupid without them. Like the whole world is looking at my chest and not my face.

But I've noticed the skin on the outter sides of my ribs, under my arms has become tender to the touch. Probably from the compression shirt rubbing. My 'you know whats' are tender and ache, and once I take off my binders..I do all I can to avoid anything brushing up against them or touching them in any way because they hurt.

Then I have that damned irritation between and underneath. Sweat I suppose, from working in a 90F kitchen for 9 hours a day. But there's no way I can go back to a bra. I refuse. I'd rather suffer.

Someone asked if maybe I'm wearing it too tight but mentally, for me, its not tight enough. I want it all hidden, but at what cost?

I know they worry about my health, but for my mental health, I need this. But which is more important, mental or physical health? It's a toss up, really.

"Six to one, half dozen the other" my boyfriend would say. I never really liked the phrase, but it works.

In other news, I had decided to try photography, as suggested.

And wouldnt you get my luck? I drop my damn ipod and smashed the screen all to cheese&crackers. So no camera for me -_- Thanks karma, you're a doll.

Maybe one day I'll look back on all this and laugh. Or maybe one day I'll look back and wonder what the hell I was thinking. Only time will tell.



Sorry for the TMI o.o


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I'm not sure what the "Torso Compression Tank" is, but I am familiar with Underworks (Manshape retailer?).

It is my understanding that some compression tops have more to do with working out, or are designed for posture or back trouble. What many of us began using as "binders" were actually gynocomastic or post-surgical compression tops for men. Sports compression tanks are not meant for, and will not, suppress and/or conceal excess breast tissue.

It appears that Underworks has overhauled their website, as now, there is not just a page to items they discovered many transmen were using, there is actually like a website now, f2mbinders.com - it is still Underworks. I have always ordered #997 Double Panel Compression Shirt, however, it appears that Underworks (f2mbinders) has changed some model numbers, as this number returns an item that I have never had before.

You can find more information about Underworks and other sites and binders in the thread

As for putting your binder in the dryer, unless something has changed in the last year or two, Underworks advises that the compression shirts not be put in the dryer, and you should also not use bleach or fabric softeners during washing. I do not know the reasons for these care instructions, but I have adhered to them religiously. I have one binder that is almost 10 years old - and I wear mine 365 days of the year.

If your binder is too tight, you could possibly cause issues with circulation and breathing. It's best to order your shirts according to Underworks' sizing charts. You might also have to try different models.


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I'm not sure what the "Torso Compression Tank" is, but I am familiar with Underworks (Manshape retailer?).

It is my understanding that some compression tops have more to do with working out, or are designed for posture or back trouble.

I'm going to be doing some more looking around and whatnot, and order a new one for an xmas present for myself. I suspect that the torso compression shirt that I bought is exactly as you said, and not meant to hide anything in any way. Though it has helped with my back pain ^_^

As for the dryer situation, DULY NOTED! I was also told to wash them by hand because it's easier on them? I've done that before, and hung it up to dry over my shower rod. Seemed to have done the trick. I was wearing axe spray deodorant but had to go back to a gel, so hopefully its not going to ruin or weaken the material at all >.< here's hoping!

Thank you for your insights and help!




I've washed mine by hand only a few times - I've never been into washing things by hand. On the few occasions I have washed my binder by hand, I did so only because I had no choice. I just toss mine in the washer. I did call Underworks one time to find out if it was safe to use OxiClean on the binder to remove stains, but they had never tested the product on the binders, so couldn't answer my question. I went ahead and tried it on an old binder, and it worked well. But I've not made it a habit.

I've been using Axe body spray for about seven or eight years, but I use it more like a cologne than a deoderant spray. I just spray a quick shot on my upper arm right about at the shoulder after I put my binder on. That way, I'm not dragging my binder over the spray. I too wondered if the spray might damage the binder, and is why I began applying the spray after putting the binder on.


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