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I'm Still Here



Like the title of one of my favorite songs, "I'm Still Here"

I havent forgotten anyone, and I havent fallen off the face of the planet either!

This month has been rather hectic for me, in truth. December begs to be a difficult time for everyone, naturally, since everyone has SOMETHING going on for the holidays, no matter how much of a hermit you plead to be.

For me this year, I was blessed with the company of my little sister for the month. For me, it's a huge thing, and I were doing my absolute best to make the most of every day. As her visit is slowly coming to a close (she leaves the 17th :( poo) things are starting to calm down a little, and I have unusually woken up rather early today. So why not post a quick blog?? :P

We went to the movies, went out to dinner several times, shopping, etc. Spoiled her rotten, I dare say!

As for my own personal moments, there havent been too many worth noting, to be honest.

I cut my hair even shorter, and by god to I love it!! It's so much more comfortable and....well...me!

I style it how I want it, and I've never been happier with...well my face I guess! XD

Though I've noticed changes. Not in me, in particular, but those around me. The strangers that pass me by as I shop with my sister or boyfriend. The glances that repeat and the glares that persist.

I thought the bathroom issues were troublesome before, boy I had no idea how easy it was back then.

Now that I'm convincing the world of my manliness....bathroom situations have gotten that much more awkward.

Of course I still cannot venture into the men's room as of yet. But the glares I get in the womens room....yikes. One woman went as far as to glare at me and mumble "f***ing f**s"

I guess she wasnt wrong, really. As a Bisexual Transgender, in one way or another I guess I am a f**. I dont take that as insulting, because it sort of is the truth. I dont mind ^_^

But the tone and choice of muttering is what got to me, really.

I brushed it off and like any other day, just pretended I was the only one who’d notice my unusual awesomeness.

I cant remember if I told you all about my experience with buying alcohol…..Either way, here’s a recap. A few months ago, I had gone in to buy a 6pack of my favorite Blood Orange from Mike’s Hard. Delicious, but seasonal, which is unfortunate. But anyway, I wanted to get some as it is seasonal and wouldn’t be out for very long. ANYWAY, I went up to the register and attempted to buy it, and so came the ‘carding’. But she wouldn’t accept my I.D.

So she called in her manager, who also would not accept my I.D. because it “simply is not your I.D.”

So…they called the cops too. An officer came, looked at my I.D. and shook his head. He said he could see ‘some’ resemblance but was yet convinced, so he asked for me to show to other forms of I.D.

So after handing over my S.S. card and my library card, along with my work/campus I.D., he finally let me off the hook and I left with booze in hand. But with the recommendation that I get the photo on my I.D. changed as soon as I could. Especially in case I were to get pulled over for something!

So….I DID!!

It took a little convincing and again, I had to hand over other forms of I.D. to prove that it was my own. Which in a way made me feel good because my transition is convincing!

I’ll add the photo soon ;)

On New Years I had a bit of a falling out with my boyfriend, which I sort of expected to happen anyway since things had begun to get so rough.

In the moment when neither of us wanted to walk away, he finally stood up and demanded I stay and that we work this out, convinced that he’d be alone for the rest of his life if I left because he didn’t want anyone else. Honestly I cried so hard that my head hurt for three days afterwards, but we worked it out. Dare I say, and knock on wood, but our relationship has been better than ever since. We agreed that we’d talk about whatever is going on at the end of every single month, because we both have the habit of bottling up our emotions and keeping quiet until we explode.

So hopefully, in that department, I’m better than ever :D

As another plus, I went to the bank to cash in my unemployment check (laid off from Dec 19th till Jan 19th, and I get a whole whopping 48$ a week -_- jeez, thanks.) and the woman had to actually stop and ask “Are you Justin or Kristy?”

I wanted to hug her for even asking! It felt silly, but awesome. Even Justin chuckled at it, because he knew it made me happy to have my gender questioned.

Then when trying on new pants at walmart, the woman assumed of my gender role and automatically sent me to the men’s dressing room instead of the women’s. It’s tiny little things like that, that make my day complete. It’s awesome, and though it seems silly to some people…it makes me a lot happier.

I’m officially OFF the self-harm-watch-list by my therapist (Was one month cut-free up until a week ago, which was due to an imbalance of my medications. Noted: Don’t take Lexapro at the same time as Levothyroxin. They counterbalance eachother!) but I stopped just a little ways into the act and turned to using markers instead. I’ll show you the picture for that too, don’t worry.

BUT I think I have dragged into this blog long enough, and I’ve music to go download and exercise to get back to. From 230pnds down to 211! I’m getting there!

Best of love and hugs and all that lovey gooey mushy stuff,




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Welcome back Warren! We've missed you.

I'm glad to hear you had such a busy and positive month, and I love your new photo. You rock, kiddo. Keep your chin up and talking to your BF.

Regarding lovey, gooey, mushy stuff: back at ya, double.


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Hey Warren! Glad to see you around. Yeah, December can sure get crazy-busy, but I'm glad you got to spend so much quality time with your sister. And things are looking better with your BF, and you got those awesome moments... sounds like a good month! :)

And congratulations on the weight loss! I should be exercising right now, too, but instead I'm here! :D

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