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Looks like things are going very well for you! I enjoy your blog entries. Sharing your journey helps others so thank you for posting your experiences.

Sorry you're having problems posting images. I just tested and it seems to be working properly. The images have to published to your gallery first and they can then be published in your blog by click "My Media" and selecting the image(s) you wish to add. Otherwise, you can click the image icon and add the URL to an existing image on the Internet. If you're still having problems or if things aren't working that way from your computer I will be happy to help.

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If I use my old Window machine it works but fails on my new laptop and also the interment Windows 8 laptop. I write software for a living thus I did try things like uploading to the gallery first but that also locked up. Sadly all other sites I deal with work fine other than here which is why I signed up on WordPress for a blog as what I do there works.



Karen, have you tried Firefox and/or Chrome as your browser instead of IE? I suggest that as an experiment.



I have an idea what is causing this and if I was at work could quickly verify it since we have one computer that can do all versions of Windows and every major browser and at last the past three major revisions of the browsers. Bottom line is there nothing I can do here other than use an older computer which is not for me



If you were successful testing it on a different computer then I'd argue you're changing too many things at once. It would be much more interesting to try it out on the computer that is having the problem.

Why can't you install Chrome and/or Firefox now? I'm sure you know they're free. And if your issue is solved by using an alternative browser then that would also be helpful for TGG when they report the problem to their hosting service.



Emma, this is my profession :-) also I have the other browsers installed and tried them in December and again prior to posting this.

To give an idea of my computer talent, Microsoft has a program MVP (Most Valued Professional) where each quarter there is at least 5 million people trying to get this but there are only 3,000 slots available and you can not apply, someone nominates say me then they ask if I want it. Hopefully I am not coming across badly but I have debugging skills here and know enough that at this very moment in time, same as the week of Christmas when I first encountered this can not be fixed. I could easily write up several MS-Word pages of a document to show the underbelly of what I did while diagnosing this out but I have better things to do.

Below is my MVP page




I'll do an update of the site in the near future. That might resolve some issues if they are server side or software based problems.

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