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Transdate 16/02/15

I got asked to write to write Trans Articles for Redditch LGBT on Friday, I had already got 2 presentations on coming out and my journey from cross dresser to Trans Woman so I altered them a little and sent them off, hopefully they'll be posted soon. Redditch LGBT is in it's infancy, it's aims are to promote that not every one is straight white heterosexual & for people to get over the fact. Also it wants to promote a LGBT friendly area within Redditch, which is sadly missing presently except for Cafe Mambo, at the moment LGBT people mostly go to Birmingham. Par for the course, it's been started by a local Labour Councillor, whom I met and had a long chat with.

My Wife and I had a day out on Saturday, she's very keen on victorian history, and is part way through writing a novel set in that period, so we visited 3 museums in Worcestershire. No one read me as far as I could tell (Schodinger's pass again!), and we both enjoyed the exhibits. In one of the museums, there are exhibits of Worcestershire regiments through the ages to the present day. One area was dedicated to the first world war, there are a collection of government posters urging men to join the army, for glory and heroism etc., alongside was an exhibit telling of soldiers sentenced to death by firing squad for cowardice etc., when in fact they were shell shocked. It bought it home to me how little has changed, with goverment propaganda, and how hypocrisy is still rife amongst politicians.

However recently there has been a serving Captain in the British Army who has Transgendered whilst serving, here's the link to a video made by her and a private;


Anyway whilst it show's the fantastic progress being made in some areas of UK life, it's important to realise that this progress has largely come about due to the previous Labour governments commitment to the Equality act which in turn originated from EU Equal Treatment Directives. Whilst the present government has done little to further promote equality, other that to state that it promotes Trans people being integrated into society, but other than the bland statement, there is no evidence of anything having been done. I guess it's not in their true interests.

I have been sent a document about the Transgendering process here in the UK, I have sent it to two people within Transgender Guide, one of whom didn't answer. The other said I should provide a link to it on my blog. However I must warn you that there is bad language in it, so if you're a delicate little thing or easily offended, please don't read it. It doesn't exactly mirror my experience with Charing Cross Gender Identity Clinic, which has been mostly positive, but having said that, it is funny and it pokes fun at the system. It appears that the upload file size has been reduced and I can no longer upload the file, so here's the link to it;


Perhaps a similar document might be put together by a member about the US system?

That's all for now,

Eve x


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Hi Eve,

Good to hear your update, writing articles, out and about with your wife (and more Schrodinger's Passes!), and thank you for posting the links to the video and the TG process in the UK. In my opinion the "bad language" is quite minimal and the overall document has a lot of value. It always helps me to hear about other's experiences and to recognize that we're part of a community of wonderful people.



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Thanks Emma,

After reading your latest blog, I realise that we have had a lot of similar experiences, this also helps me to get on with my life.

Peck on the cheek!


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Oh Eve, thank you. :-)



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