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I'd like to add some thoughts but I'd first like to acknowledge that I know you intend for this chart to be helpful and informative. Perhaps it is for those who qualify for the Group 2 and Group 3 classifications. And perhaps too it helps me to see that I am within Group 1.

That said, I find myself feeling kind of hurt when I read that one is "true" or not within the confines of those boxes. Maybe it's silly to be feel that way but I do. I don't see myself fully described within any of the columns under Group 1. This doesn't mean I am not "true" anything. I am valid in and of myself.

In my career I have often created such charts for marketing, engineering, and customer classifications, to help understanding and management. So I understand that this chart is valuable to therapists and others new or interested in transgender people. At least it gives them a framework to start developing an understanding. But it is the only the tip of the iceberg and I think it's important for future readers to understand that.

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My guess is this is a gauge for professionals to start with and there is variation to all cells in the chart.

Before surgery I classified myself as group 3 but was caught within a hybrid of type 5 and 6, kind of a meld with slight differences.

So I would think it is safe to say many will have the same feelings as me, not quite fit one or another but indeed there.

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Update: tomorrow I have a private meeting with the therapist who runs the TG Support group I've been attending. She has over 40 years experience with transgender people; I'm very fortunate to have found her and that she's available within about five miles of my home. I've printed out a copy of the table you posted and highlighted the items that are most in agreement with what I am/feel/do to provide her with a quick way to get a more broad sense of what's going on for me.

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Hi Karen,

As I wrote in today's blog post I showed the chart to the therapist with my areas of congruence highlighted. She immediately recognized it as coming from Harry Benjamin's classic "The Transsexual Phenomenon." I had already provided her with fairly detailed email descriptions of me and what I'm going through as well as having attending her support group twice, so she already has a good idea of where I'm coming from. That said, I felt that the highlighted chart provides a helpful communications "yardstick" and confirmed what I'd told her. So it was all good, thank you.


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