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Transdate 21/02/15


I've put a tag on this entry "last look back", because my new UK passport arrived earlier this week, it states my name is Eve and there's an F next to gender, it sort of brought it home to me that I am now EVE and I'm a TRANS WOMAN, unlike any other official documents had done. There were implications that I thought through, yes I had already gone through this process before I became Trans, but the same old thoughts came flooding back of 'wow this is for the rest of my life', I am no longer Steve, I can't go back........unless I cross dress !! :wacko: On the one hand I was very glad that I had completed the name and document change process, but on the other hand I had slight feelings of remorse and trepidation. I have mentioned in earlier blogs that I used to have alternate male and female feelings like the ebbing and flooding of the tide, it was kind of wierd to have both feelings at once, however I must say that the femme feelings were the stronger. The next day I reflected on my feelings and thoughts, and summarised them into a last look back and farewell to Steve........

Anyway onto less morose thoughts and more girly stuff!, I had an appointment at my local nail bar yesterday and had my nails gel coated in a purple colour and my eyebows threaded, I was overjoyed with my nails, which had always looked as if I borrowed them from a comodo dragon........All the lumps and bumps and ridges have gone, and they are super glossy and smooth, just like a models.

In the next office there is a complexion aesthetics clinic that does no needle mesotherapy, so I'm going to give that go next week, hopefully it'll take away the saggy bags under my eyes and lessen my hooded eye lids. It's supposed to take a couple of weeks after treatment to show results, of course I'll post the results in my blogs, and maybe a photo.

I'm a little concerned about the amount of trans people murdered in the USA, is it written into the US Constitution that you have a right to bear arms and to kill trans people???? We often think in the UK that in some parts of the US the Sheriff's are not always upholders of the law, we get this from US television and films, is it fact or fiction? How many Trans murderers have been caught & convicted, or killed whilst being arrested? Do you have anti-hate legislation in the US as we do in the UK?

Sorry for so many questions..............Eve


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Hello Eve,

Congratulations on your new passport! If I was you I would want to use it right away. That would be so much fun to see that the border guard would just glance at it the way they do, and wave you through. Yes, you're most definitely a Transwoman now although you were one before of course.

Yes, we do have violence here in the US against all sorts of people. I don't know if it is more or less than in the UK but my intuition says it's about the same. One thing I'm rather sure of is that the "news" reports are typically negative. At least here, it seems like most news stories are about problems, complaints, crime. Otherwise it's not so interesting. And I suspect that the particularly heinous stories are the ones that make it into the press over in Europe and elsewhere.

Of course we do have laws against hate crimes such as battering someone because they are gay, trans, black, etc. and those crimes are prosecuted. We all agree that the violence toward trans people is especially scary. Clearly for some people seeing a trans person raises some weird emotion in them.

You also read about problems with sheriffs. Sure, some are jerks, corrupt, or worse. But 99.9% are excellent and here again we mostly hear about the bad ones. And generally as their badness becomes public they lose their jobs and sometimes have to go to jail themselves.

Hope this helps!


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Congratulations Eve!!!

Sadly, the police will never be there in the majority of cases to interdict in such crimes, they are there in the aftermath to take the report to what happened. It is not just the United States but all of the world. Usually those who act out our in fear of the unknown, it may hit home from how they were brought up to something simple as they admired someone then found out that person was not who they appeared to be gender wise.

Every time I hear such tragedies it deeply saddens me and at the same time strengthens my resolve to train people.

Yes, this is kind of a point of no return but there truly is a returning point, that is if you have not gone through gender reassignment surgery or have been on hormones for an extended period of time that causes issues down below. For me I had years to prepare with zero regrets and you need to be the same way if planning GRS.

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Hi Emma & Karen,

Thanks for your comments re trans violence, yes it has happened in the UK, but not in the numbers reported on the internet in the USA. We are a smalll country so we can expect fewer instances, not sure if the percentage of total population who are Trans is any different or not though.....

With regard to Karens point of no return comments, I have been on oestrogen for two and a half years now, so my equipment is not functioning as a normal males would! GRS? yes please I want it to complete my transition if not for any other reason. I had made the decision to transition many months ago, however the new passport bought back some slight mixed feelings, it was as if it rubber stamped my decision..............

I hope that this explains my feelings and situation..,


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