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About Me
I am proud of who I am
The reason I write / moderate the intersex forum is because I can see life from both sides of the fence !!!
Intersexuality is part of history .
Having / Living The " Best Of Both Worlds " concept means Sexuality has no barrriers .
All of my life i've been blessed to do my thing because I can be androygenous and just be me .
They say life is what you make it !
That Saying is `100 % true . Intersexuality is a complicated meta physical rare occurance in life .
DNA - wise we are hardwired much differently than one particular Gender .
I like to think of my flag blowing in both directions .
Intersexuality is a glorious blessing .
Some people go through lots of surgeries to change and rearange .
Being many intersexed individuals Do Not Come out of the closet sometimes they live all depressed and lost emotionally !
Technically genetically too much information regading Chromsomal structure a intersexed person often loses hope and needs a Boost of self esteem to function in such a judgemental socety based mainly on looks etc...
Confidence is the key
I will elaborate more on this soon