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Blog Comments posted by Del

  1. I enjoyed your post. It probably will help others to see they are not alone.

    I know what it is like to be a small guy and picked on even though the transsexual issues I am not familiar with.

    I am thankful for that from what you describe.

    Take care.

  2. I do imagine some have nothing better to do with their time than spam people.

    To me a person must really be a sicko to e-mail a cisgender on a transgender site to share stuff about themselves. I can just imagine how something like that could be twisted into all sorts of foolishness.

    I know you guys do your best to keep the site safe. I do thank you for that.

    By the same token I realize that there are always certain risks one takes when they are cisgender and are on a gay or transgender site. Straight and cisgender friends would wonder. Rather risky all around with the open door to rumors and maybe losing friends. Thank God I don't have any to lose.

    Once again, thank you.

    • Like 1
  3. As a Christian I feel that when a person is ill we should pray for their quick recovery.

    If the person is known to be a non believer we should also pray that the Lord will open their heart unto him.

    I do not think Christians should pray a person dies.

    If anything they should be helping them get ready to cross over Jordan if they can get close enough to talk to them.

  4. Cyrsti,

    I found your article very interesting.

    I cannot know what this is like since I am cisgender. I am able to relate to it in spiritual matters however.

    In my case when one goes beyond the doctrines of man, the teachings of the television preacher and the pet peeves of those whom meant well yet held others back it gets lonely. You can have Christians all around you and never feel as one of them. In my case those whom are truly brothers and sisters of one Spirit can be counted on both hands.

    I do cherish the ministers that took the time to teach me and the brothers and sisters in Christ that have been there along the way but when it's all said and done it's the Lord who has been the only one I can rely upon in my worst times.

    Just as you say you become your own mentor in like manner this can be said about a Christian that is not content to be like everyone else. You sort of separate yourself unto the Lord and allow His Spirit to guide and teach if you are the type of minister that is serious. Sort of like how Paul separated himself and how they took note of John and Peter that they were ignorant and unlearned men but they had been with Jesus.

    I didn't mean to twist your topic to religion. I am merely saying that in some ways I can agree with the pain and frustration of being a lamb among wolves and alone as when the Lord was being tried and all men forsook him. It does get lonely when all think you're a joke because you didn't go to seminary or don't care to have a huge church. I would rather have the Spirit of God teach me and minister to a half dozen people that really want to know the Lord than be rich and sell out and damn myself and those who hear me.

    Once again, I loved your post. I hope that you can find a mentor that will bring you the joy you long for.

    Take care kiddo.

  5. Very interesting post.

    I worked at Wally*World and saw two chicks come in one night.

    Both looked rather hot.

    All the guys were checking them out when the one spoke in a deep man's voice and said"This is so embarrassing."

    The truth is had he not spoken nobody would have known.

    The week of Halloween is a time when some workers dress up but almost all of them are curious as to what sort of costume shoppers will wear.

    It's probably a good time for those who fear not passing to go shopping there and not have to worry.

    I enjoyed your article.

  6. Daneela,

    I agree that most of organized religion is a mess. Far too many times doctrines and denominations get in the way of a person's spiritual growth. For some it means being rejected when they see something that may go a little farther and question a doctrinal view. Because they have no answer you're just brushed off as a heretic.

    I hope that the things that I post can show that not all of us are that way.

    I know some who are hated by the mainstream for their views much like transgenders are with gender issues. The difference being doctrine rather than gender.

    I hope that all goes well for you.

    Take care and God bless.

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