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  1. Pamala FlinnJune 27 at 4:47am · Magnolia flowers as with many plant flowers have perfect flowers or another term bisexual flowers. This means the flower has both a functional male stamen & a female pistil flower part. Also in nature some plants are mono-ecious, meaning male & female flowers are found on different parts of the plant. This is extraordinary to me because in nature it is so common place for organisms to posses both female & male qualities. A magnolia tree could be called transgender, without an...y other conditions or stipulations. If there is such evolving happenings taking place in nature all the time. Are we as human beings not part of this earthly experience? We are so caught up in female & male identities when in nature adapting to ever changes of environment is just all about preserving life. As long as the conditions within the environment are right, nature seems to find a unique way of reproduction.
  2. Pamala FlinnJune 27 at 4:47am · Magnolia flowers as with many plant flowers have perfect flowers or another term bisexual flowers. This means the flower has both a functional male stamen & a female pistil flower part. Also in nature some plants are mono-ecious, meaning male & female flowers are found on different parts of the plant. This is extraordinary to me because in nature it is so common place for organisms to posses both female & male qualities. A magnolia tree could be called transgender, without an...y other conditions or stipulations. If there is such evolving happenings taking place in nature all the time. Are we as human beings not part of this earthly experience? We are so caught up in female & male identities when in nature adapting to ever changes of environment is just all about preserving life. As long as the conditions within the environment are right, nature seems to find a unique way of reproduction.
  3. Those who know me may say I am way out there. You know ,........'' There right !'' I have to share this worldly thought since it is so close to Earth Day........ We the transgender are in a driving movement to express to the world that we are real & that we belong. We make up about 1% of the population . Maybe a little more or maybe a little less. My crazy thought is that even to know we are a small group of the world , the people of earth will eventually look to us for leadership & salvation. '' Save the people of the world ! '' '' Pamala you are really crazy!'' All I will say to this right now is. Those of you who are transgender & want to express yourself other than what you were born with. I am asking to you to look deeply further within yourself. Look to the ethical humanity , the high intellect, the ability to see what others seem not to see or understand. '' We are evolutionary peaceful lovers! '' Our future may be more than making the people of the world except us. We may have the moral obligation to change the culture of the world, and be the most adaptable appropriate species ever known.......... '' A Transgender Loving Humane Being.'' capable of showing the world it is time to love for peace than to fight for peace.
  4. Kristila, I get these comments from men a lot also. Men can be suc h liars . I have gotten about 10 out of the 15 you mentioned . I like the attention sometimes , but men can be over zealous , and sexually fervent. When you think you are starting to like someone then you find out they have been lying to you. I have gotten way better at defining the truth out of admires. I am demi-sexual and just want to make a definite connection with someone.
  5. I wrote this from a comment I made on face book. I have a surreal dream from time to time that increases in detail every time I dream it. I deleted my dream to the public for I feel so strongly about the dream that I do not want to change the destined outcome of it. Surrealistic................................. The comment I had about my dreams is true. I usually do not expose my dreams only to those I feel may play a part in them. I have been very sick with a high fever for days now. I am getting gradually better. With a high fever inner emotions can be revealed. I deleted the dream posting for I believe if by chance you were lucky to have read it. You got a glimpse of something that may happen and I do not want to change destiny. I do not know the time , but I have a very strong feeling of were this will happen. Those of you that are associated with me may know this area............................................................... Ballston.......... I have my reasons for believing this. Paranormal phenomenon is part of our lives. I believe transgender people are what future human beings will become. A selected group within our human adaption have jumped many years ahead in time. Go back to your descendent heritage and you may be able to equate this genetic event . Fanny and Simmone, if you read this posting you both are 2 very good examples of who I am talking about. Living miles apart , both of you are connected by this blessing. Science has no factual clarification to the inner drive that makes us transgender. Yet , there are scientist who do not believe in the paranormal. The transgender movement is happening faster across the world than it ever has. More and more girls are coming out of there shell . I ask '' Is this a destiny of time.'' We as trans girls must push ourselves to be more than a stay at home pin up model or your local gay club attendee. It is a matter of feeling inside that you are deserving in this world. The abnormal in transgender will become a perception in the past................. If you feel you have a gift, then share it. Pamala Flinn Dreams can come true.
  6. Kristila, I like your blog very much. Be kind to a hater. To turn the cheek and be lady like . Educate , respond with polite cordialness. I have been in situations like what Karen said..... am I sure I can walk away and why did I put myself in harms way to begin with? I thought do these haters relies who they are dealing with, me as a man. At the time I am in a tight dress with heels. Much harder to defend yourself dressed like this. I had 3 men confront me in the boys restroom while I was in fem . They said to me '' no tranny girl boys in here '' I responded saying '' That 3 girls in the ladies restroom told me the same thing.'' Where am I suppose to go if the cops were parked outside by my car.'' We all looked at each other then started to laugh together. Kind humor can go a long way to comfort those who do not understand . I know I have been blessed and lucky . I can not let haters control my life anymore.
  7. Hey Warren , thanks for opening up like this. I believe you and in you . Integrity is a virtue one presents , in your case a boy to a young man.
  8. I listen with a compassionate ear , and with a reminiscing grin I partake. These are the words that came to mind while attending a pre- Valentine Day Trans Girls Dinner Party especially for couples. There were some spouses and girlfriends there who have never ventured out with there companion while dressed in fem. The tension was definitely in the faces of many , but as time went on the atmosphere became more and more relaxed . A little wine does help , but as those wives and girlfriends opened up to other couples with the same issues as to what they have been experiencing in there own lives. The evening became very much sociable and rather enjoyable. Outside pressures, anxiety, family responsibilities, depression, the ambiguity of love; these are some of the social issues pressing couples in a trans girl relationship with there companion. One trans girl told me how her spouse was so upset over her breast implant , because the operation produced a size bigger than was expected . Another expressed how she just found out about her companion 4 weeks prior and how she cannot believe here she is at a dinner party with other trans girls. A third expressed how her companion was not gay , and she would not stay in the relationship if she was. Lastly a forth said I do not want this trans girl thing to get out to my friends and my children. There are plenty more examples of social drama within the conversations that night. I give so much applaud to the wives and girlfriends for attending . There courage , there showing of love to make a effort to keep there relationship going was remarkable. Roses were handed out to each companion for the Valentines Day Event. I will end by saying '' Thorns run the length of the stem of a rose , but what is most appreciated and admired is the loving beauty of the flower on top.''............... '' We are here to love & be loved . ''
  9. I wrote this message in reference to a discussion allowing admirers to all events and functions within a trans lady organization in the D.C. metropolitan area. '' I think I have scared a admirer away , he does not call me anymore . '' I hope we continue to communicate in a responsible , cordial , manner , like I have noticed so far on the message board . The ladies in this group are so special and such a strong unit . I wish for more involvement in events from some of the other members we seemed not to see or hear to much about . Separation of admirer interest is good , as long as we do not get into a segregation from each other. The past residential soiree venues were a convenient , welcoming , pleasant comfort zone. Our group has grown , who would want to accommodate 50 plus girls in there home several times a year. Yes , it can be done , but it is a daunting responsibility to take on . Our group helps us flourish and explore our inner women selves with a supportive hand reaching to us anytime when needed . With that notion , we must come to terms with our own decision to express and identify as something different from which we were born. I personally do not expect another to become indulgent or accommodate myself with my own personal life choice. Those who are living this choice with another , live this choice together , making those appropriate decisions as loving companions. There is a growing movement happening for the transgender , bi-gender people of the world. I strongly want to be part of it . More and more acceptance and understanding is helping our presence be recognized , worldwide. The scientific community is supporting our cause with new research data all the time. If every trans girl could just step out as the women she deserves to be and do that little more to influence our cause . Not only will the world understand and accept us , they may just start loving us.
  10. Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens , bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens, brown paper packages tied up with strings , these are few of my favorite things . This song melody was from a 1965 American musical '' The Sound of Music '' staring Julie Andrews & Christopher Plummer directed an produced by Robert Wise . We are born in the way we are for sure . How much of what we were exposed to in our past lives has molded us into what we have become today . I was told so many times '' toughen up , toughen up , do not act like a girl. Now that I am on my own '' pink '' that girly color truly is becoming my favorite color . In the past I was taught to shy away from this color boys do not wear such things. I do like bright colorful things , flowers , butterflies , soft feeling things like lace , nylon , and satin . I like to go shopping . I remember going to department stores with my mother , I would love to hide in the ladies dress racks feeling those dresses against my skin. The sound of falling water is so peaceful , the oak forest whispering from a breeze is pleasing . How about music and dance . I like all kinds of music and I can dance for hours. I do like to smell like a girl ; before when I did not shave those underarms , well anyway........ that was not so pleasant. I like to change my look from time to time , before I always carried the same boyish image. I like kind people , and those not so kind , I know there is a smile in there someplace. With all these likes and there is plenty more. I wonder , how that I was raised to be so tough , that I am now living and experiencing those girly things that I do like. I should be like a Sylvester Stallon '' Rambo '' or something . '' The Sound of Music '' movie was such a great musical . I remember watching it several times . Julie Andrews to me is the epitome of a lady like classy lady , both in the movie and in real life. How much did watching that movie so many times influenced how I perceive how a women should be ? Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens brown paper packages tied up with strings '' These are a few of my favorite things . '' Be what ever you want to be , just love yourself that is what really counts.
  11. Please read this posting if you are having issues about going out in public or struggling with your identity.
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