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Everything posted by jesseboo

  1. I'm 50 years old and want to be more atractive to men my age. when I was younger I was a very sexy crossdresser will being casterated hormons help me feel more like a female

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MonicaPz


      Recommend www.TGPersonals.com which is a free dating website . . .

    3. KarenPayne


      My stock answer to this is to seek out a therapist to talk with. Taking hormones and castration may make things better or worst so please seek professional assistance

    4. MonicaPz


      Dear Jesseboo,

      Cannot agree with Karen more. Hormones, and especially castration, are PERMANENT, and before ALL permanent procedures, counseling is highly recommended. Remember, being a woman is an inside out job . . . We are here for you!

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