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Transgender Message Forum


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Everything posted by Dani1966

  1. Came out as trans to my wife 4 years ago. She's always known about the dressing up, but not the depth of why. She's been super supportive and we are closer than ever in our relationship. Finally saw a therapist this year and confirmed my gender dysphoria. I've always known, but the diagnosis makes it official. No hormones yet, but strongly considering. Concerned about transitioning in my 50s and losing my job and friends.

    1. Jessicatoyou


      Hi Dani. And welcome to the TG Community.  Take your time to navigate the site and get to become familiar with the activity, posts, and blogs of some of the members and hopefully you'll be comfortable enough to start some of your own.  You'll find the members here very friendly, knowledgeable and supportive here.

      I transitioned at 64, and was also very concerned about losing the few relationships I had, and of course very concerned about working.  I don't know what kind of employment field you are in, or what geographic area you are in, but I've found that many of my fears were only that, just fears.  

      I look forward to perhaps getting to know more about you and please don't hesitate to ask questions.

      Jessica 😊

    2. Dani1966


      Thanks Jessica. I'm feeling supported already.

      Still feeling nervous about being outed before I get a chance to tell people myself. However, I'm feeling comfortable enough in this forum. I have been very active in my community since moving here 24 years ago. A leader in my industry in Minnesota, volunteer coach, sing with a local group, in a "rock" band, part time job at local ski area, even taught classes after work at a local university. So, I know a lot of people and they know me (which I figure could be good for educating people).

      Even though I live in a fairly conservative community, I am surrounded by many people that support the LGBT community. These will be the first people I have the talk with...aside from this forum of course.



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