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About life, love, and everything else

Entries in this blog

Where does the time go?

Hello again everyone I've been wanting to post a blog entry to let everyone know how things are going and whats happening in my life but I haven't really gotten the chance with working two jobs and trying desperately to get out of debt (much to my own dismay). First of all yesterday I went to another doctors appointment for a checkup and to increase my dosage of estrogen and to get prescribed some mild antianxiety/antidepression medication. Everything went really well, eventhough when I fir



living, breathing, surviving

So another month down of hormones and the changes haven't been physical but definately mental. Maybe its a lot of stuff going on with me lately or the stress of whats to come, but I've been a mix of sad, angry, annoyed, depressed, flighty, and rediculously hyper. It could just be the fact that my living situation (or lack there of) is really starting to bother me, or the fact that every other week it seems like I have my brother sending me an email basically saying how I'm an aweful person and



the waiting game

2011 here we are. Hope everyone had a safe and happy new year and I hope everyone is still doing good with your new years resolutions. I broke one of the two of mine already but o well no big deal lol. Anyways this year will be a BIG year for me, much better planned out than last year. I really thought it through and while it felt like this tide was moving me along in my transition, I feel more in control now and happy about my transition. Now Im just playing the waiting game. Im not wai



The end to a very interesting year

When I think back about the last year, I really can't believe how far I've really come since this time last year. Last year around this time, I was in a committed relationship with a person who I thought loved me for me and accepted all my faults (wasn't the case), I was dealing (not very sucessfully) with my gender identity issue on my own and in my own way, my family life was very stable, and I was working a job that I thought was pretty good and treated me fairly. Fast forward a year and



Long time, but still around

Hi everyone remember me, its your girl tiff. Im still around even though I haven't been able to post anything or respond to messages. First of all I had to switch jobs again, not because of me being trans but because the general stress of the job just got a little too much for me. Basically it boils down to this, I was working close to 50 hours of week, they never sent me a schedule till two days before the week started so I couldn't ever plan anything with anyone, I was constantly called to



Making my way back, new and improved

Sorry I was gone so long. I decided that I needed to get away for a little bit and get all my ducks in a row. It was really nice to really focus and get a plan together and start to work on that plan. Finances will always be a mess but I'm working on straightening that out. My family (those that know I will be transitioning) have been really supportive and have been looking out for my best interest. BIG NEWS: I finally got my prescription for hormones last friday. I was a little hesitant



Life outta control

All i can say really is that I wish life was a WHOLE lot simplier. Recently I went to my brothers wedding (sadly as a male) and the wedding was great, the whole time I had a good time and it was nice to just let loose for a change and not really worry about all the problems in my life in general and with transitioning. Afterwards later that night I got a chance to reflect on everything and it made me really depressed. I have always enjoyed being with my extended family (aunts, uncles, cousi



Reviewing my transition

I know I haven't been transitioning as long as some other girls on here have been and I am still a long ways away from completing my transition but I was just going through my schedule and reading it and thought to myself, I've come a long way since I offically decided to start transitioning. Back in January of this year I finally decided to see a therapist about my gender struggles and my depression because I couldn't understand why I just didn't feel right about myself and have thought abou



doctor's visit

So today I had my doctor's appointment for hormones and I was really excited to go and talk to them about starting HRT. It was really insiteful and I was really happy with how I was treated and how nice everyone was. It was nice that they already had an idea of why I was at the clinic and what I was there to get, so that made me less nervous. All of the nurses treated me with respect and were really supportive. I was really happy that they answered all my questions and told me all about th




So this weekend I had to deal with some not so nice situations and I figured Id blog about them and see what everyone else thought about it and I would love to hear responses from this entry. Anyways, during the 4th of july weekend earlier this year, my friends invited me out (tiffany actually) to enjoy the fireworks and hang out with them. Little did I know they had a blind date set up for me. I was super nervous but he was super nice and really treated me like a lady. I had seen him a fe



More experiences in being a woman

First of all, thank you so much for the confidence and comments on all of my entries so far, and to Carolinetyler your two cents are priceless in my book so you can give me your two cents whenever you feel like it . I figured its a friday so Id write a new blog entry, its kinda been a long time since I did so I thought itd be a fun idea. I've gotten a lot of confidence boosts since I wrote my last entry about the hurry up and wait. A lot of that has come from the comments I got from everyo



Spinning my wheels

So recently i've taken some big steps in my transitioning process. Telling people in my family trying to figure out my finances and everything and getting ready for hormones. I decided that it would be a good idea to set up a time line in the future. I read it was a good idea on tsroadmap and thought i should do the same. I have it all laid out and if anyone wants to see it i would be happy to either post it or send it to their email. but thats not really the point why im writing this blog



A more positive outlook

After my last post, I have been trying to go out more and live my life as a woman and probably some of the most amazing things started to happen. First I started a video blog on youtube and I figured to myself that no one would watch it at all. To my shock and suprise I had a 100 people view it in the first two days. I almost jumped when I saw that. I've had a few people even subscribe to my channel so yay me. Its really started to make me feel better about myself. Next I have been livin



A little down

As of march of this year I finally decided that living as a male was no longer an option to me. I have struggled with my gender ever since I really new what the difference between boys and girls was. I always played with more girls than boys growing up and never saw a problem with wanting to play with barbies over playing baseball. I have slowly started down this road and have taken some big steps but at the same time feel like the road ahead stretches endlessly. I told my parents and they w



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