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About this blog

Well my Ex and I have been talking lately. We are not officially divorced yet since she won't sign the papers. However we have been getting along wonderfully and helping each other out lately a lot. But here is the kicker. I asked her yesterday how she felt about us. I got no response at all. I asked her you say you love me but can you love me the way I am or is it you love me the way I was? Can you love the real me? The true me? No response at all again? She dropped out son off the other day and it took her an hour to realize I removed my body hair. My legs arms chest all smooth. And once she did she said that's weird. Well I told her I am tired of looking like I do. And breaking out all the time from ingrown hairs. I feel so much better like this. She ignored everything I said. It's hard when you still care for someone even after how crappy they treated you and still do at times. 

Entries in this blog

My life moving forward

Tomorrow I start Therapy again. Its been a few years since I went to a therapist. With everything I have had on my plate it's a good thing for me to go. I need to have someone to talk with that isn't in my daily life. Well Heck that would be anyone lol since I don't talk to anyone at all daily. I am very withdrawn from society and people in general. Everyone in my life has always been so mean. I seem to attract mean and selfish users. Anyways I am hoping this will help me begin to realize I am f



Being misunderstood

The biggest thing I hate about me is being so misunderstood. People think that Me being different that its ok to call me names look at me funny. If I take my son to the park and other families are there I get looked at funny and round up their kids away from me. I don't look as a passable female at all. So I guess that means to them I am a predator or something. Being called names like freak and gay. Not that there is anything wrong with being gay but I don't identify that way. That is desperate



Growing up and out.

I continue to grow as a person. I have been dealing with issues my whole life. Now that I am accepting myself as who I am meant to be I find it more freeing. I am wearing more of my bras and pretty much all female outfits in public now. My breasts are sore and my nipples hurt those have been for a while now. And I haven't even taken anything to create that at all. I guess I am a lucky one. Having an overactive pituitary gland has forced my hand and forced me to accept myself. Having a higher tha



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