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Well this might not end the way Nikki wants it to.



He's taking his phone apart to try to repair it.  *blinks*  I'm going to hope for the best and will be happy to cheer Nikki on if this works, and go check out the hours of the phone store as back up.  


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Dear Bree,

Recently have had trouble with my 6 year old, $12.00 vtech wireless phone. Wasn't sure if it was the cable company's equipment, the intercom, or from "the other ends."

The confusing part is that it is intermittent.

Got a new battery, but it doesn't help much, except now I can listen to two hour webinars.

Am keeping my eye out for a new phone . . .

Hope you and Nikki solve your communications problem!  😕

Your friend,


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Well, we had mixed results.  He can charge it now, but it's awkward and jerry-rigged and not really 'fixed'.  So half success half time to start considering what replacement phone is best going forward.  I need too also, Nikki washed my phone last winter.  In the washing machine, and murdered it.  SO we got a refurbished iphone 6 which is supposed to be a step up from my iphoneSE, but I hate it.  We can worry about that after moving though. : )  

Have you tried all the channels available on your phone?  I know when I lived in an area wehre landlines were more common it could be hard to find a channel that some neighbors use didn't interfere with mine when we were on them at the same time.  

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