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Starting my life!

Entries in this blog

Coming out to my elderly parents and siblings at the same time.

Well, I have come a long way since joining TGG just last August.  I am on HRT.  Almost finished with Laser and about half way with electrolysis.  Am have my first non-surgical facial feminization procedure next week.  I fake 000% male now and have,  ever since I had the "talk" with my 23 year old son about 2 months ago.  We are still very close and both jump at the chance to do things together whenever we get the chance whether out in public or not.  I travel every couple of weeks back and forth



Birthright Citizenship

Another article on birthright Citizenship.  Mostly LGBT couples are mentioned here, but I wonder how many cis hetero couples are affected by this?  Is it random? or is it selective?https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/both-parents-are-american-the-us-says-their-baby-isnt/ar-AABGXbe?ocid=spartandhp   



Beginning my First Event

I've always needed some questions answered as a matter of fact, not a matter of hope, wishful thinking or dreaming and be sure I was comfortable with those answers.  What truly would it mean to me to be Jessica, socialize as Jessica, think as Jessica, look as Jessica, go out around town only as Jessica, work as Jessica;  how would it feel to not be able to go back; might I regret it or would I embrace it and continue  wishing I had the courage to transition long ago??  I heard about Transge



Another Excursion

Well a lot's happening with my presenting, and MY CONFIDENCE! 💇‍♀️.  Have had many opportunities to sit tight by myself and refine my make-up, my dress, my mannerisms, my voice, and my mental attitude, most important! Have been moisturizing my skin, face, leg, arms, my whole body and I mentioned before shaved my body, neck to toe.  Even trimmed my eyebrows amd they came out PERFECT!😊. Thanks to studying all the you tube videos out there. Today have 20 hours with the house to myself from3pm



Ain't gonna purge NO MORE, NO MORE!

Okay, throughout my entire life, I have often accumulated various articles and many times, entire wardrobes of woman's clothing, shoes, make-up, wigs, etc. In my own privacy I dressed up, sometimes if only for a short period and other times for extended periods.  More often than not, I always had my "stash", which gave me much comfort in the thought that I would someday be able to transition and live my life of a woman without going back.  It seems that every time I had a "life changing event",




My last blog was last July and it seems like a lifetime has passed.  I apologize and will try to blog more about my transition, as it is one of the most successful and joyous experiences I have been fortunate enough to take on. I owe much of that to those that have systematically blogged about theirs before me.  This quick post is about Affirmation.   The question came about, "Do you remember if or when you were baptized?" I don't remember, but have been told I was and subsequently



18 days vaginoplasty Post-op.

I remember when I decided  to commit to a decision to move forward in discovering what was my authenticity.  And I knew I had a lot of things to discover!  It became an overwhelming feeling of truth and freedom.  That day and time for me came at the close of my first transgender conference, after which I then traveled to one of my favorite spots, Hampton Beach, New Hampshire, and gazed across the Atlantic Ocean to what seemed to me to represent infinity. I suddenly realized my life was about to



13 days vaginoplasty Post-op.

I have now been a member of the TG Forum since August 26, 2018 , just shy of 2 years now.  At that time, I recall distinctly, at 63 years old, it was time to really learn what it would take for ME to begin this process called "transitioning".  It was then that I stumbled upon TG Guide, a well managed support forum, consisting of members from all across the gender spectrum, some that just had many, many questions to those that had completed their physical transition. At that time, I had never met



"Inner Circle"

Our "Inner Circle".  A comment about inner circle recently that caused me to ponder further the meaning of the "inner circle"  that each of us have.  I have heard of this term throughout my life of 64 years,  and also pondered it's meaning to me.  My inner circle presumably is comprised of my true self, my thoughts, actions, expectations, goals, fears, regrets, my coping mechanisms, accomplishments and failures, those good and bad things in my own psyche,  judged only by my own mind.  I guard mi



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