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well well well isint that special

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why in the world

Why in the world must we move to the beat of the drummer that is never seen. Why must we always do what the puppet masters say to do. What in the world would it hurt to be able to make some informed decisions on are own, to be in charge of our lives to live life in the persute of life liberty and the persute of happiness you know the beliefs of the founding fathers of this great nation the idea that we the people for the people and by the people. Not we the govenment for the government and by th




Wondering, Why must those who have the most in this world think that they are intitled to dictate to those that have the least what their lives must be,and how they must live? What of them have been told that they must be a part of the whole to go through life and be something that they are not. Act in a manner not of their nature I suppose that those with the most have never been told to act, to be, or you will, I suppose that they have expected the entitlement to do,be or act in the ways that



with every breath

With every breath I make a choice to continue to the next, and being within the world I am forced to open my eyes to my path it may be long it may be hard but nothing that we strive for is ever easy it must all come at some cost to us... I will not fall I will hold tight to my dreams and I will never faulter with the help of good friends and the support they offer I will not fall and break... This is my promise to those that have given me hope and shinned the light of hope into my darkest place



with every breath

With every breath I make a choice to continue to the next, and being within the world I am forced to open my eyes to my path it may be long it may be hard but nothing that we strive for is ever easy it must all come at some cost to us... I will not fall I will hold tight to my dreams and I will never faulter with the help of good friends and the support they offer I will not fall and break... This is my promise to those that have given me hope and shinned the light of hope into my darkest place



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