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Girls night out

One of the woman I work with stopped me and asked if I would like to go out with the other woman in my section. There are six of them that every week they go out to dinner and have drinks.

She said that they all discussed should they ask me, all of them have known me for years in my former male life so they kind of know what I am like. Any ways they all agreed that I should be asked.

From the short chat with had it really sounds like it could very well be a good time and get in with these ladies. What is interesting is most of them are in their late to mid thirties which is much younger then me but that is not going to stop me from going out with them.

I am very grateful that they did think about me and accepted me.

On a side note I have noticed the difference in what woman talk to me about before and after transitioning in general, things I could only guess or even for that fact never guess. Like when I had my nails done in the past few months, the ladies there talk to me about those things that would never surface before I was Karen. So that is simply another aspect of a continuing journey and things to look forward too.


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That just sounds so wonderful for you, Karen! Of course, now my interest is piqued: I hope you'll give us a summary of your night out with the girls!

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Ronnie Virga



That sounds like a good way to work the kinks out of the work week ! :)

Enjoy ! :)


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I agree Veronica. I did tell them that I am not much of a drinker but do love to chat and get silly. I will say White Russians are one of my favs.

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