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Haunting thoughts

This is going to sound strange and perhaps obscured too many yet I have to question the validity of the real world and what is beyond or parallel to the known world.

Although I infrequently visited my sister while alive when we did there was this connection between us, same when we talked on the phone coast to coast. When I had not seen her because we lived on different coast I did not think about her but when I visited her and her husband in 2004 not seeing her for ten years it was fantastic yet I let things slip again until she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2013. I only called her twice after that and was told by my mother after she passed that she was upset with me for not calling her more. Of course I felt emotional and wished I had called her more.

Yesterday it really hit me that she was gone and I, Karen was born. I was essentially conceived in 2013 as this was when I affirmed my decision to become Karen and leave Kevin behind. Is it a coincident that Karen was conceived when my sister passed? Yesterday when my mind conjured this up I could not stop thinking of the things that transpired then. For me I have experienced and witness things in my past that make me pause and contemplate "what if" there is something else besides this physical life which comes from a person who without witnessing things in my past that defy laws that govern our physical known world could exists? I wrestled with this all day yesterday and has seeped into today and think it will haunt me as there is no way I can come to terms with a reasoning behind this special and unexplainable connection between my sister and me. Did my sister have to pass for Karen to emerge or is it something my mind conjured up to make sense of the loss of my sister. I think a therapist could rationalize these thoughts with a plausible response but I think that my mind will still go back to my current reasoning’s which as mentioned before defies all known logic. Guess I will have to accept that this cannot be answered and live life in her honor.

Right now I am flooded with emotions.


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Ronnie Virga



I read this after what TJDavies wrote in the shout box yesterday, 28th about his Dad bringing him some grub. I understand about missing someone who is beyond the veil between they're days and ours. I miss my brother "Rocky" and I never met him. My Mom who is with him now used to tell me he was my guardian Angel.

I can only say this. That your Sister was lucky to have someone who cared about her so much. I think that the Karen I have come to know, was luckyto have a Sister, period. I am glad I have and had them. I also think your Sister wouls agree with me, tha having Karen in her life, made it a better life.

That they still speak to us and influence us from beyond the veil is perfectly natural for me to accept. One the thing about having family members descend from native American culture, they know the way home.

Also, that when dealing with grief, I have found that it may leave me alone from time to time, but it never actually leaves. I wouldn't want it any other way. Shedding a tear over someone I love is never a tear wasted.


Veronica Beta.

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I feel so sorry for you, and I don't know what I could say that might bring a crumb of comfort to you, but I have found that life is so full of strange coincidences, do we each have a guardian angel watching over us? I have often thought so....................

Truly hope you get over your period of grief soon.


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My Dear Friends,

I had a nightmare childhood, and I am grateful I have found reconciliation with both my parents before they died. Sadly, although things have improved with my brothers (I have no sisters), we have a long ways to go.

Eve, as for Guardian Angels, I believe they are REAL, and that the average person has not only one, but THREE! They never sleep and ALWAYS are alert, even when we sleep!!

Your friend,


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I slipped out of my grief last night after engrossing myself in several activities and talking to my daughter's best friend. I am sure it will happen again and that is okay for too feel nothing would bother me even more.

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My father passed away almost a year ago. About four months later is when I stopped being able to cope with my male side. My wife and my mom asked if me transitioning had anything to do with my father passing. Honestly, it is hard to say. I don't know. I really don't. There are other things that happened in my life that I think had a more direct impact on my decision.

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Lisa, since I am not a professional my guess is that perhaps the lose of your father was a signal to proceed with transitioning were your father may not approve. Just speculation on my part. There are so many triggers that can move us in this direction and only a qualified therapist and you can figure out.

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