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A sweet gesture by a stranger

Good morning everyone,

I've many times heard the suggestion about doing a random act of kindness for a stranger and this morning I learned from the recipient end what a wonderful suggestion it really is!

I was on the PATH train coming in to work (I had amazingly gotten a seat!) and I was reading "True Selves: Understanding Transsexualism." A few minutes in, the woman sitting next to me handed me a note, it read:

"I saw title of your book. I think your courage to be who you want to be is amazing!!"

I don't think I need to add anything to the story, needless to say my mood just soared. I thanked her (right then and then again as we were getting off the train), but it felt in sufficient.



(as a side note - I haven't experienced this particular opinion on this website at all, but this seems like an appropriate moment to again challenge the notion of New Yorkers being nasty - we're not, and we are even capable of incredible sweetness, even to strangers!)


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Wow, that really was a delightful thought and action from her. I'll bet you're on Cloud Nine right now! It does remind me, too, that I need to be on the lookout to practice random acts of kindness. The giver also is a receiver.

One time my wife and I were in Paris, trying to figure out how to buy a ticket for the Metro (subway). I know French a bit, but I was stumped. Suddenly a lady walked up to us and handed us each a little paper thing, and just as quickly, departed. We looked at each other and said, "Maybe this is a ticket?" We slid it into the entry machine and, voila! We were in. Feeling mighty good too.


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That's wonderful! And I really enjoy the fact that our stories both involve people from places that are usually characterized as nasty (New York and Paris). I spent 6 weeks in Paris while I was in school and really found that Parisians were generally very nice (had an experience a bit like yours, I was at the train station at the airport, clearly looking confused, and a random person came up and asked if he could help).

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That is wonderful, we live in a time were people are much more accepting then they were just a few years ago and this shows it.

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That was amazing. I would have to say, lately some amazing things have been happening to me as well. People have been going out of their way to be nice and helpful, or just to talk with me. It really has been great.

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