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Motivation of a weird form

Because of discussions on how Trans and the general LGBTI community gets treated in by medical staff, police, well government employees, hasn't made me think of this all that much. Because I've always been treated with a certain level of respect and dignity, which I always needed to earn or demand.

I'm also a government employee as you all know, so this shocked me when my group had to deal with a M2F that didn't pass. This poor teenaged girl was treated absurdly and persecuted even more so although she was arrested for drugs.

The law clearly states that the police arrest and the courts decide if anyone is guilty of the offense on all the evidence produced.

Okay, I only stepped in afterwards when I was told. By that time it was a joke to all the cis gendered persons outside by the holding cells. Because of safety, I had to ask a few no no questions, but I made it clear I'm also Trans and was only asking those questions too ensure her safety.

I was also sick that night, but made certain before going she was safe.

For some time the question on how LGBTI persons are supposed to be treated and handled when detained came up. Lucky for me the next day I had a group session where I raised the question. Because of the mixed answers, they all made it clear on what I needed to do...

I subsequently wrote a proposal letter to avail myself as the face for all things LGBTI in the police. And to teach the members through seminars what the correct way would be to deal with a person from the LGBTI community.

The only thing left for me to do is create a questionnaire (would most probably only be used on persons that definitely doesn't pass and those of us that are pre-ops. As those are the persons that will be effected the most when arrested. Those that pass and are post-ops will most likely not even disclose. Unfair, but the harsh reality of life and how easily we blend into cis normativity will count in our favor.

I truly hoped it would be different, but we also have bigotry between some that pass and others that don't. I'll be attempting to bring all to an equal playing field, but until this happens we are all part of an unjust society.

Much love to the few fighting for all our rights till everyone is equal.


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So that was so great of you to step in, both in the case of the individual and by proposing a broader "resolution"! That clearly took some courage, and I have to say I'd think it could be hard to be in a situation like that which would generate anger but still keep your head in the game and make a rational proposal.

I hope it all goes well!



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Dear Michele,

That's so courageous, generous, and probably thankless for you to do. I simply cannot imagine standing up for myself in that environment. Thankyouthankyouthankyou. It's people like you that are paving the way for people like me. Maybe some day I'll learn from your courage that I can be so courageous too.



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Thanks for the encouragement. The thought of the persecution towards myself is what keeps me fighting. Still waiting on the answer to my proposal. Hopefully it gets looked at and I'll actually enjoy doing this. Using my intellect as opposed to using brawn.

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