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Laughing at Myself. Yes, the Hop, Bounce, Jump, Breath Deep Baby that jeans will close."

Even people.


Clearly this is a clothes issue.  Yes, 137Lbs almost 138Lbs have a problem with certain clothes.


Not a problem buying.  No women can't tell me how a shop or card works.  Todays issue is getting in my clothes.


As I previously informed you, I was on a physical course and seemed like I lost weight.  Not the case.  Weird right.


Today, I grab a jeans, 32inches, and the bugger didnt want to go over my bum.  My lady humps were in the way of my jeans.  I pulled harder, and what I only saw on TV of a woman jumping and bouncing around as she struggled to get that small ass into what obviously is a size to small pants.  Was me this morning.


Funny part is that same pants had breathing space two weeks back.  Why the hell the elves tailor my clothes and forgot to take it out last night so I could get in again.


Do you want to know a secret...   After HRT started, my body has grown in weight and circumference too.  I've always had an ass, and only people that put their hands on me realized my butt was bigger then what my clothes allowed them to see.  My ass are illusionist.



So as my breast grow, my ass proportionally grows.  My middle has gained and lost inches, and always returns to what I originally started off with.  I do have a 34 jeans in my cupboard, make that 3, so I'm prepared for my bums growth, but I'll never get use to bouncing to get my pants on.


Reason being, what if I sleep out, and my partners younger brother or sister or mother walks in.  Okay, their father would be gawking at my tits, but a quick get away won't be possible as I can't even get it up, my pants you filthy minded man (give me a call we think alike).


So my qualms aren't about the exercise to get in, but the awkwardness it might give me.



I know I've got a sexy body, but do I want the whole world, or the world of the one I like and fell for to see my body too?  I don't think so...


As apparently was proven to me tonight at a friends again.  They walk around as if it's nothing when they come from the bathroom.  Oh freaken hell no.  My naked body is only to be viewed by the one I love in that way and loves me that way back.  Old fashioned, but hey its me.  Okay and occasionally my doctor when examining me, but in that instance my lover is allowed with inside.


Hard to believe I can't do this exhibitionist thing, even with me showing my structure of my body in pictures.


Cheers from South Africa.

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Dear Michele,

Every woman's experience with weight gain/loss is different, and changes with age.  Most likely, your experience will be similar to that of your mother, aunts and sisters, because of genetics.

In my case, my mother and most of her sisters had large chests.  I, do, too.  Tend to gain weight FIRST in the breasts and lose weight LAST in the breasts.

Other women gain weight most easily in the butt or hips.  

The secret is to wear clothes that flatter your figure.  

Would suggest you shop for clothing with a female friend whose fashion instincts you trust and get her feedback on what looks good on you and WHY.

Yours truly,


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