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As a cisgender Lesbian, the price for immediate interaction, as provided by the Internet, rather than meeting face to face, is a loss of community.

It is important to maintain community.  In the age of the Internet (especially social media), cell/smart phones, and other technology, it is becoming more and more difficult.

In the Lesbian community, as I am seeing Lesbians approaching gaining their full civil rights, I am seeing less community.

Presently, I only see Lesbian Connection and Golden Threads, among a few others, trying to maintain community among Lesbians, and they are struggling.  Sadly, I have also noticed that most Lesbian bookstores no longer exist. 

My great concern is, when, as transpeople achieve greater acceptance, are they going to lose community, too?

The challenge to the TLGB community, is to maintain community as the emphasis in our society shifts from face to face to online interaction.

In my opinion, I feel we have it reversed.  People should meet face to face PRIMARILY, and maintain contact (and community!) through technology.  The Internet should be seen as a tool to support face to face interaction, but not to supplant it. 


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Hi Monica,

You're certainly correct, face to face is Always Better and I think many people hide behind their screens. In business I often hear people say "Well, I sent them an email..." to which I respond "Why not pick up the phone and Call them?" It's too easy to pick an excuse and accept a distorted reality that it's okay to drop the ball.

That said, though, I think an issue with the trans community is that most really do want to simply blend in, to be identified as their true gender and not stand out or be confused with their birth gender. I can't blame them at all. Some trans folks are comfortable identifying as trans and many (most?) are not. I imagine that's the way it will be until our society not only accepts but also embraces trans as viable and valuable members of society. 

But, I know what you mean, and it's good to express the desire that we stand up for ourselves and remain a community. Thank goodness for TG Guide, which provides me with even this little way that I too can stand up alongside those who are much braver and steadfast than me.


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I agree sooo much with that!  I was very happy to finally find a TG support group in the city, I'll be going to that in a couple of weeks (they meet the 1st Wednesday of each month).  TG Guide has been wonderful and indispensable, but I know that being face-to-face with other trans people will be so very nice.

And I do think that communities based on technology sometimes get overrated.  Especially when it's based on "liking" facebook posts, and "re-tweeting."  Those are easy.  At least with TG Guide we have more extensive and meaningful discussions  :rolleyes:



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I am super grateful for the internet, as I feel a major lack of face to face community in my city. It seems the majority of the programs I found are for transwomen, 16-29 youth, or 50+ older people. The ONE support group that I have found for transmen at the popular LGBTQ centre has issues with ONE person which they can not seem control (which is sad, because so many new faces show up once, then never return). Also, I haven't found anything for the 30-45 age group.

I have no idea what it's like to have or feel a sense of "community" and wish this wasn't so.

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Hi Brigsby,

At the risk of repeating myself, I hope you feel more than welcome here, because you ARE. We're always delighted to get to know new members and greatly appreciate their Forum comments and posts, as well as their blogs. I hope we continue to hear a lot from you.



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