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Girl Crusoe

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The Girl at White Drift

So this week has been an 'up and down' sort of week. Frustrations at work and generally getting annoyed at how I look has been the story of the week.

One of the things I do enjoy though is getting out on my lunch break and taking photo's around the city, those little things that people generally walk past daily and fail to notice. So I have been out doing that. I will upload some photographs in the coming weeks.

I've also managed to find myself a quiet place where I can go and get a coffee and generally be ignored and watch the world pass by. 

I suppose I should add a little more about me, so this is taken from my profile page on another site:

I am a transgender female who will not be transitioning anytime in the near future. There I said it!

For FAQs see bottom of profile!

After a number of incidents in my childhood, which I let define me for too long I was fortunate enough to find someone who actually loves me for being me, and someone I could equally love back.

I have had a lot of friends go through transition and lose their families and loved ones as a result. It would be psychologically detrimental for me to do that, having spent so long being neglected.

Having spent so many years trying to be something I wasn't I legally changed my name to give me more of an androgynous feel and to help me be who I am on the inside.

Educationally I am due to begin my Masters program shortly but as well as the more serious subject matter I have also taken night classes in Skin Care, Beauty and Make Up as well as dress making. My guilty pleasures are Art Galleries and Fashion Magazines.

I am also a big fan of Twitter and more can be gleaned about me from https://twitter.com/TGcharlotte if you really must.

Having moved from the UK, where I used to go out in Manchester I now find myself living in what I consider to be the best place in the world.It hasnt been an easy journey in my 40 years but I am now moderately at peace with myself.

Obviously I still have those bad days but I have learnt to enjoy life as me.

I am happy to support newbies so please feel free to message me.

And that's just about me other than the regulatory 5'11 hazel eyes and bergundy hair :)

Take care and be safe



Am I full time?

I am a female in the wrong shaped body. I am full time in terms of being a human being who just happens to be female. Please understand, clothes are just clothes, wearing women's clothing doesn't make me a woman, my brain has first call on that.

Do I like Men?

No, I am not sexually attracted to men at all. I like women, confusing I know but try being me, or my wife, how do you even begin to define that relationship other than its a loving one.

What will you talk about?

Fashion, music, social and behavioral psychology

What won't you talk about?

Anything to do with sex, sport or car engines




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Charli, I love your photo!  You have beautiful skin and hair!

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Charli, Hiya, I Am Steph. I Am in Aylesbury, in Buckinghamshire, in the UK.  I Am 14 Week's "Out" as MtoF Transsexual !  The Fact that You are Happy being You, and have a Loving Wife, is All that matters, apart From Your Health. If You have Good Health, that is Good !  Your Photograph is Lovely. Like You, I Am 5'11" Tall; with Hazel Eyes. I Am a UK Size 12, and have Dark Brown Hair, in A Pony Tail.  I Wish You All The Very Best For The Future, I hope All goes Well for You. Take Care, Regards, Stephanie.


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aww thank you both for your comments. I hope your journeys through this thing we called life are full of more ups than downs.


take care. xoxo

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Hiya Charli. Sorry You are having Server problems. I Know What It Is Like, When You Are unable, to get on Your Internet.  Please feel free, to stay in touch with Me, anytime Sweetheart.  You Really do have a very pretty face, and lovely appealing Hazel Eyes, and lovely Hair !  I Hope that Life also has More Up's, than Down's, for You Also. It Is Good to Hear from You Charli, You Sweetie. Take Care, Best Wishes, Steph. xoxo.


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