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"I am Cait" - episode 3

I didn't think this would become a weekly thing, going in I assumed I would get tired of the show pretty quickly (being on E and all), but no, I'm not.  The show really is getting better and better each week, and my respect for Caitlyn grows with it (she is exec producer, so nothing happening on the show is happening without her).

This week they spent more time with the less fortunate trans people in San Francisco, and Caitlyn seemed sincerely moved and in fact did a couple of really great things for one of them!  This episode was shot about 5 weeks before her ESPY presentation, so I could see where her sentiments in that came from.

On the personal side - first the less important part - I was tweeting during the show and watching what others were tweeting - I did 3 original tweets myself, and got re-tweeted on all of them my Jenny Boylan, so I was pretty happy about that :-)   I also got 2 of them favorited by Michelle Visage (RuPaul's co-host on Drag Race), also pretty exciting.

On the more substantial side - I had already decided that this was the week that I was going to wear my wig to work, and then skirts (tomorrow for the skirt).  The show was so inspiring that it really put me over the top in terms of doing it.  I came to see what I was doing as more than just a part of my personal journey (though obviously that's important too!) but also as a measure of activism.  There are still so many trans people who simply can't live out their lives the way they want, so I think it's important for anyone who can to do so (to the extent they're comfortable with it of course), so that we can gradually change the overall society and give others more room to live their lives.  That's what Caitlyn is doing in a very public way, and it's something I can do in a less public way, but it's still a contribution.  Visibility = Power (as the Lesbian/Gay movement has shown).

They also had an interesting conversation about voices.  Candice Cayne apparently just has a fairly natural feminine voice, and Chandi Moore just talks the way she talks and won't change that.  Jenny Boylan made the comment "This is as far as we'll go, everyone else just has to meet us there."  I really liked that comment.  And Caitlyn, who had been worried about her voice, eventually said that it's not so important how she sounds but what she says.

Anyway - time to work now  :-)




Here's a picture from work today...



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Merci :-)

It's a bit washed out from the overhead lighting, I have a bit more color in my face than that

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Hiya Christie. Wow !  Your Photograph from Work, My Darling, IS Gorgeous !  Congratulations, on Going into Work, "Properly Dressed ! "   Going Out In Public, Fully, Full-Time, Female-Dressed, IS Second--Nature, to Me !  I Think of it, Like This, I Am Me, and if Other People, do Not like it, They are the One's with the Problem's !  Christie Darling, You ARE One Very Pretty Lady !  By the way Sweetheart, Your Blue Top is Lovely. That Is the same colour, as Two top's that I have got ! I Love Your Necklace, Too Love !  Pretty Christie, If anyone at Work gives You any Grief, They are just Ignorant !  You Take Care Sweetie. Best Wishes Pretty Christie. Big Hugs Sweetheart, Regards, Steph. xoxo.


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Thank you so much Steph :rolleyes:

So far everyone at work has been really great in fact!  The school started it off well by sending an email around reminding everyone about our non-discrimination policy (which includes gender identity and gender expression).  But I doubt that was even needed, people here tend to be really nice.

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Hiya Christie Darling. Christie, You ARE Doing Great. Be Very Proud Sweetie, as You Look Lovely.  Your Confidence Will Just Continue to Grow.  Buying Female Undies and Clothes, I Really Enjoy, and Some Shop Assistants, are Really Helpful.  I have never been as comfortable in Clothing, as I Am wearing Full Female Undies and Clothes. I Just Feel So Feminine, and that makes Me Happy.  You Look so Happy, and Relaxed, in Your Pretty Clothes.  Christie Darling, You Take Care. Enjoy Being You Christie Love.  Best Wishes, Regards, Steph. xoxo


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