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Week 1 - HRT and "Real Life Test"

Good morning everyone,

I've now finished just over a week on HRT, and a full business week with my "Real Life Test."

There's nothing really to report on the HRT front, which isn't surprising.  I did start a "chart" that I put on my bulletin board so that each week I can write down what, if any, changes I noticed.  This week the only possible change was reduced libido - though I can't say that with 100% certainty yet.

The "real life test" is another story.  I broke through and wore my wig, along with breast inserts, to work and pretty much everywhere this week.  This morning I had an appointment with a surgeon (about my shoulder) and for a moment I considered not wearing it there, but then decided that this is either full-time or it's not, I can't pick and choose.  So I did it, and it went well.  I did have to use my old name for insurance reasons, but they picked up on my transition quickly and added "Christie" to their records (the doctor needs a second to catch up - when he took me to his assistant to schedule surgery he alternated between "Miss Cunningham" and "he" - but that's fine :-)

The only time I can see being out and not wearing the wig is to the gym - that may come as well, but for now I won't just because I don't know how wearing a wig on a treadmill would go :-)

One pleasant discovery was a different type of band for holding the wig on.  It's a band that goes around your hairline and fastens with velcro, and the wig holds on to that.  Far more comfortable than pins, and so far it seems quite secure.

Otherwise to make sure I keep moving forward I just remind myself to "do what I do" - meaning, don't deviate from what I would have otherwise done in order to avoid anyone seeing me with the wig on.

I also went by the LGBT Center this week and got signed-up for their Transgender Resources "system."  I have an intake scheduled in a few weeks so that I can hopefully join a closed support group (the drop-in one that happens the 1st Wednesday of each month has been a disappointment to me so far).  They're also looking into places where I can donate clothing :-)




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Christie, Hiya Darling. Congratulations, on the First Week, of Your "Real Life Test" ! I Have Now Been Basically Living Full-Time, As A Female, For 15 Week's Now. It Is Such A Wonderful, Exhillerating, Experience !  A Young Lady Friend Of Mine, Who Works In Our Local Supermarket, Said To Me, In The Last Couple Of Hour's, That I Look So Happly, And Contented, Which She Said, Is, So Lovely. She Said That She Had Never Seen Me This Happy, Before I Came-Out as Transsexual. I Told Her, That I Have Not Ever Been This Happy Before.   Christie, If I Am as Happy and Contented as You are, or Visa Versa, then We Will Both Be Doing Well !  Christie Love, Be Proud Of This Week !  It Is A Wonderful Life-Changing Achievement, Going-Out In Public, Fully, Full-Time, Female-Dressed.  I Love Female Undies And Clothes !  Christie, Speak Soon Love. Take Care, Best Wishes. Stephanie. xoxo




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Congratulations on the true start of your journey, the real life test and not so much the hormones. Hormones are easy, pop a few pills, an injection or a shot that if one forgets one day is not a big deal. But with the real life test we don’t forget but make a conscious decision to not dress for an event or a day. One when makes the decision not to dress in the opposite gender that says “I am hesitant”, “is this really what I want”.

When I first started my real life test I had to deal with many things that would had been easier to not dress as female and very true when teaching self-defense classes but I persevered and this is what you and others need to do, be the female you are inside, outside, no excuses.

I do wish you the very best in your journey to bringing the internal female to the physical world.

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Dear Christie,

Would like to comment on how women experience their sex drive as opposed to how men experiences theirs (am friends with both Straight and Gay men), and as my dear mother said, may God rest her soul, she was amazed how I can talk about anything with anyone . . .

In my opinion, because of testosterone, men have a much stronger drive, in that it is very external, and he can literally see if, and how much, he is aroused.  A woman, obvious, can not see anything to validate her feelings, beyond moisture, but she feels an excitement. A woman is driven by a romantic perception of her beloved.

Of course, there are exceptions, and NO TWO women or men experiences their sex drive exactly the same way.

Please do remember every woman has a little testosterone, and every man has a little estrogen/progesterone.

Testosterone is important not just for sex drive, but for material ambition.  This is why a woman has a little, in order to insure that she has enough ambition to get things done, around the house and at work.  

Estrogen/progesterone is there in both men and women to encourage sensitivity and emotional receptivity.

Most transwomen report a lowering OR changing of her sexual drive when on HRT.

If you or your partner is not satisfied with the level of your sex drive, please bring it up with your doctor, but first give your body a chance to get used to HRT.  

Your friend,


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You're showing true determination Christie! Well-done girl. Please, provide a link to the head band that you mention, it seems worthwhile investigating.



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I agree with Monica on the reply about sex drive. Three years ago compare to today my sex drive has totally changed. For years an erect penis was validation and now it's an entire body "event". Thinking of BAD SELF (hey Veronica), oh if I could describe my bad-self since say two months after GRS what stories I might tell, perhaps nasty girl is a more suitable description for me. There are times when I don;t think about sex for days on end then there are days that the train stop for my body event with a man or woman that usually last much, much longer than in my old physical self, a man (yuk). 

Christie, I believe going in to this will bring much joy and revelations.

Some one notable once said (not the exact words) something like, each day we are born again, make the most of it. I do so, especially that I missed out on so much as a female I embrace it all and hope you will too, take nothing for granted. 

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Thank you all for your feedback :)

Today I even ventured to my local grocery store, got a nice compliment from my favorite cashier! (She was my favorite before that)

Eve, here's a pic of the band



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