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Work ID



So today I almost got kept out from going back to work from lunch!!!

Ok not really.  But! We have ID cards to get into the building - mine hasn't been updated yet re my name and picture (for no apparent reason I was waiting until my legal name change went through, but HR confirmed I don't need to).

When we scan into the building our pic comes up on a computer monitor at the security post near the entrance.  Usually this doesn't matter as I know all of the security people so I doubt they even look at the screen.  Today after lunch I entered through a side door where there was just one, new security guard.  AS I waited fot the nearby elevator I saw that he kept looking between the screen and me, looking confused :)

I don't know what he would have done, a maintenance person I know happened along right then and stared chatting with me, confirming I work there. (Pretty sure I could have convinced him if I had to)

Anyhow, tomorrow morning i'm going to get a new card with corrected name and picture :)


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Well Christie, soon enough you'll look back at this as a funny occurrence, but my advice is, no doubt the same as you probably have now decided, change all you can as soon as you can with regard to identification documents.

How are you getting on with other staff and pupils generally?

I hope that you're getting on well with your hormones, noticed anything different yet?


Eve oxo

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Hiya Christie. Another Hurdle, You are Crossing !  Well Done Love. At Least You are proving to everyone, that You are You. Good On You Christie Love. You are making Excellent Progress Young Lady. Take Care, And Very Best Wishes, Steph. xoxo 


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Posted (edited)

Shit Christie, I said funny occurrence, not furry occurrence ! LoL :unsure: well done !

Edited by eveannessant
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Hiya Christie. Your ID Photograph, on Your ID Pass is Terrific, Very Pretty, and Very Feminine. Your Furry Friend in the Main Photograph, is Great As Well, and as Eve said, it does make it " A Furry Occurence " !  Christie, You ARE Doing so well Love, and You CAN Be Very PROUD Of Yourself. Well Done. Christie, Give Your Furry Friend a Big Hug for Me as Well Please !  Take Care, Speak Soon, and Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xoxo 


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My furry friend is "motivation monkey" :-)    She's a visual reminder to keep doing the things I know I want/need to do (I really just bought her at a time when I thought that would be helpful, so I figured I'd give her the job)

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Hiya Christie. Motivation Monkey, Can also be a Reminder, that You are doing Fantastically, with Your Transitioning !  Christie You Enjoy The Rest The Day. Take Care, With Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xoxo


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You're thinking of Reminder Rabbit!  :-)  (great, now I want to get a stuffed rabbit)


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Hiya Christie. You Certainly Put A Smile On My Face. Reminder Rabbit. That Sounds Lovely Too. You Really are A Sweetie. A Real Feminine Female. Christie, You will have to get a soft Toy Rabbit Now. Especially as You Have Said it L.O.L.  Have A Really Lovely Evening Christie Love. Take Care, With Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xoxo 


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Dear Christie,

First, you look GREAT and PASS PERFECTLY on your new I.D.!

Second, because of the recent terrorist acts, security guards and police officers are being VERY CAREFUL.  Can't blame the new guy, because he doesn't want to mess up early in his career with your school.  Some institutions test security guards by sending in non-employees to see if security guards are on the alert.

Am glad your maintenance friend helped you out, probably without even realizing it!

Your friend,


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