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Check out my new ride

For years I drove sensible cars for family at one point then later for travelling and teaching. Been thinking about getting a sports car and trading my Toyota 2005 Camry in for one but could never justify selling the Camry because it just runs and never breaks, only routine maintenance like oil change and tires for the most part.

Been checking out the Mazda Miata for a while and was told by a co-worker that the 2016 models were worth waiting for. So last month I got on the list and last night was informed one was in, top of the line (and the price tag to go with it, $30,000).

Took it out for a test spin this morning and I had to have it so I purchased it and went out driving in the country for an hour or so. Note I kept my Camry as it is a great investment and know full well it will come in handy a lot.

There are so many features and creature comforts such as voice control, bluetooth, GPS navigation, controls on the steering wheel in all makes you feel like being in the cockpit of a sophisticated airplane.   

My first choice would had been red but red sports cars get noticed on the highway and I always drive 80 MPH in the 65 MPH highway, never been ticketed (knock on wood), second choice was black and third was yellow so in my mind I am very satisfied with the color.

Please note that I came from a $20,000 a year paycheck to $100,000 paycheck that was not easy and now truly enjoying the year 2015. With no disrespect I hope this may light a fire under one or more people thinking they can never transition or have a decent life style because if you truly put your mind to something it is achievable.


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Hiya Karen. I Am So Pleased for YOU Love. ( I had to Stop Driving, Many Year's Ago, Because Of Health Problems ! ).  Now It Gives Me Great Pleasure, Too See Friend's, Like Yourself, Who are Lucky Enough, to Get A Nice Car. Karen, Fair Play Love, and May You have Many Year''s Of Fun and Enjoyment, From Your New Mazda, and Your Toyota Camry. My Best Mate, Bought a Nice Vauxhall Astra SRI Diesel, Earlier on in This Summer, and Kept His Original Vauxhall Astra Diesel, as well !  Karen, Good Luck, Take Care, Enjoy Your New Car - You Deserve A Nice Car Love. With My Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xxxx


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Dear Karen,

The Miata sports car is very popular with women and is known as a ladies sports car!  ENJOY!

Your friend,


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Hiya Karen. How Is The New Car Going ?  Are You Being A Lead-Foot-Lady ?  I Hope That You Have Plenty Of Safe Driving Time !  I Am So Glad That You Have Got  A Lovely Ladies Car. Karen Enjoy It Love !  Be Careful Out There ! Take Care, With Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xoxo 


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I'm just going to say this. Your going to get pulled over. You'd probably been driving just fine. Just sayin', Cops lead lives too. ;)


​I was pulled over by a police officer which is a friend of mine that I had told him about the new car. He waited for me coming home, light me up. Comes up to the window and says do you know why I stopped you? I gave him a big smile and said "no officer, I have no idea" while I played with my hairl. He came back and said, I ought to smack you, I want that car and laughed. Then I showed him the cool stuff inside e.g. the electronics.

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Hiya Karen. Your Last Post, Made Me Laugh ! I Am Glad, that You Are Having Fun, You Naughty Girl ! L.O.L. !!!!  New Car's Can Be Great Fun !  Karen, Take Care, and Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xoxo 


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That is such a cute car :)

Several years ago I indulged and bought an older MG midget - something I had wanted for a long time - it was short lived, being in NYC I didn't have the resources (money) to keep it.

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Christie, thinking about your MG midget, what started me on sports cars was when I was dating a woman back in my late teenage years who had a triumph spitfire, I had a custom van. We would trade back and forth and that is when I started my love affair with sports cars but waited thirty years to get one.

I can imagine what it cost to park and so forth in NYC, an arm and a leg most likely. The spot I rent for work is $60 per month and would guess in NYC would be a couple hundred dollars for the same parking spot.

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Ooh, triumph! That was my first choice.  I used to work on cars with a friend when I lived in North Carolina (I was a straight man in those days)

The parking spot near my apt was $150 a month, a bit much when I didn't really need a car at all

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I bet some places demand more for parking in NYC dependent on the area.

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Hiya Karen and Christie. My Neighbour, 2 Door's Away, Pete, Has Got A 1971 Almond Green MG BGT Coupe ( Estate Version ) ! To Hear that B-Series Engine Running, Plus, Seeing ALL That Chrome Shining - Lovely. Pete has Owned this since about 1978, and since He Retired, has Restored The Car, to Showroom Condition ! ( Sadly, before He Completed the Restoration, His Wife Passed-Away ! ) . Can Either of You Two Ladies, Remember What MG Originally Stood For ?  As For Triumph Spitfire Car's, again, They are Lovely, and Yes, I have in the Past, Driven Friends' MG Midget's, MG BGT's, Triumph Spitfire's, Triumph Stag's, Original VW Beetle's, Ford Capri's !  ( Showing My Age a Bit ! ). By The Way, MG, Originally Stood For :- "Morris Garages" !  Karen and Christie, Ladies, Please Take Care, Speak Soon. With My Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xoxo 


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