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PMS once more

Seeing that I have the time on my hands let make this one clear.


For 5 days out of the month, I am on a lower dosage of estrogen, and it kinda makes me cranky as hell.  Reason being is that I have decided to go the medically induced period cycle, and I know it is motha of all hell pain cramps, because I've always had these cramps from my 9th birthday.  Some months it's good and I'm just cranky as hell.  Other months it is so bad, I cramp and start crying from the pain.  But I know it is now in tune with my body cycle and I will just have to deal with the cramps, being pissy to people, crying for no apparent reason, and being needy over those days.  Oooh don't let me go into the don't touch me mode.  Then not even Thor with all his strength will be immortal, as I will crush his spirit into a painful mere mortal death.


What does this mean for me as in a whole with a relationship???  Okay, it's the first time we together and this cycle has come, so I warned him of the possible side effects.  Yes, FX is on.


What I believe and what Jazz's mom tells her in I am Jazz is right.  Be honest about who you are, because there are evil people out there.  And her parent's are constantly worrying about her ever finding love with a guy or girl that respects her.  I also hope that she gets what she needs in life, and I hope that for me too.


Would it have been easier if I was medically inducing my periods from a young age like Jazz, maybe.  But on the other side,  I would not have known that people can be so cruel because they don't understand the changes we as transgender persons have to endure just to feel whole.  But I also hope that the earlier changes for the young teenagers are going to put them on a more level playing ground with the rest of the world.


My cramps and my pms, on the other end of the scale is unique.  As I don't think many transgender females naturally produced so much estrogen like I did which put me on an advantage to feel body changes on the inside that others had to wait to experience...  Okay I struggled to grow breast,  am still on only an A cup and at least the cups are the fuller A's then the partial A's they were.  But I also knew that I would end up here.  Because my family has breast sizes ranging from A cup to FFF Cups.  The ones with the big breast are also the idiots in my family.  I stood in the line for more smarts then a voluptuous body.


No I am not saying that big breast and blonds are idiots by nature, only the big breasted women in my family are idiots.  And they think that sex sells and men will do anything just because of some breast and giving them the cookie jar.


I love that I can still creatively thing of names for things that would just sound to crude at any given moment.


Okay, the last thing about me being on the period cycle of hormones are, I want my body to simulate a natural female body with hormones and in doing so assist with the development I am going through.  And it has made a big difference from the 18 months of straight hormone high to period cycle.  I have developed more, and it has kept my migraines more at bay.


To all have a good day.  Be safe, and think before you do.  I have discussed this before I did it.


Cheers for now

Michele with love


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Hiya Michele. How are You Today Love, and have You managed to get rid of the Gastro ? I hope so, and I hope that You are feeling better !  I Am so Happy for You Michele, the fact that You have found Happiness and Love. Good on You Sweetie. I Am in a Marriage that is on the Rocks, and I Am looking to get out, But, when I see Good News, like You with Your New Relationship, it makes Me feel pleased, to think that somebody has found happiness, like You have. Michele, Good Luck Love, Take Care, and My Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xoxo 

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Thank you for the best wishes and inspiration Stephanie.


It only lasted a bit more then a day, and I lost 3kgs, roughly 7Lbs over that time frame.  I gained most of the weight back, so I am happy, but now spring is here is sinus problems of running noses.  I hate seasonal changes.


Best of luck with your relationship or the nullifying of it.  Which makes you happiest, you should remember is the answer you were waiting on.

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