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Coming out



So one beautiful thing about being openly female is all the ways i get to express myself.  The really amazing thing is shifting from fear of "omg what if they find out" to "omg they are okay with this... omg its gonna be okay."  I know that this is  not everyone's experience and it breaks my heart.  I know  I am super privilaged to live and work in western mass USA where lgbtq respect is one of the best in the country.  I just am so grateful that this is not just where  I came to but also where i grew up.  That a lot of these people have been friends for a while some for a long time. I am privilaged that my family accepts me and that some family is also affirming and supportive.  I am so glad to be able to be who  I am.  My heart is flooded with emotions at this time and I just want to tell anyone / everyone going through the process of coming out.  What ever letter of alphabet soup you fall into, that I love you and I respect you and I honor you for being you.  If you are not feeling comfortable or safe coming out... I want to tell you that I accept you, that I am here for you.  It is a privilage to feel safe coming out to the world. It is an honor to come out to myself.


<3 Luna


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Dear Luna,

What can I say except that I'm very happy for you! I agree about the change in perspective. I think it does need to be something along the lines of "sure, I suppose I think about what they might think but in the scheme of things it doesn't matter. My life and well being is what is what I'm living." 

And thank goodness your family and friends are supportive. You are indeed very fortunate! But we are also fortunate to have you as a TGG member. 



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Hiya Luna. " Coming-Out ", is A Massive Step. I Personally, " Came-Out " as MtF Transsexual, on 30th. April, 2015, and I started Buying Undies; Clothes; And Nightwear; Plus Wearing them; and Being " Out " in Public; ALL on 1st. May, 2015.      Luna, You are so right about one Beautiful thing about Being Openly Female, is All the ways You get to express Yourself. Well, I love being able to wear All the Dresses, and Top's and Skirt's, and Undies, and also, Nail-Varnish; and Lipstick, that I should have always been able to wear. For Me, " Coming-Out " was like having a Massive Weight, Lifted-Off, Each Of My Shoulder's.  I Am much Happier, and Far More Contented, and Relaxed within Myself, than I had ever been before. I Love Being Openly Female.  My Friend's have All stuck by Me, but, My Wife is Not Supportive ! Luna, I Am very glad that Your Family and Friend's have stuck by You. Luna embrace being You, the Female You always have been on the inside. Enjoy Your Femininity. Luna, I know what You mean about Your heart being flooded with emotion's. My heart is as well, and I Am Not yet on H.R.T.  Luna, I Am also here for You. I Love and Respect, and Honour You as well, especially for " Coming-Out ", and being able to be You. It Is definitely a Privilege to " Come-Out " to The World, and I agree with You, that It Is an Honour to " Come-Out " to Yourself. Luna, between Mid-August 1988, and Late-February 1996, I made 3 Serious Suicide Attempt's, because I was Not able to " Come-Out ", because, back then, there was Not the Acceptance, and Support, that there Is now. I will Promise You this. I definitely Am Not going to attempt that again ! Luna, You are Lovely, Wonderful, and Great. It Is A Pleasure, to have You, as a Friend and Fellow Member, here on TGGuide.  Luna, Good Luck, Good Health, Take Care, and My Love and Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xx 

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