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It's happening again...

I could almost think it's something about me, but it's not.

In my previous position with the school I provided administrative support to the Law Review (a student publication).  Under the original faculty publisher I had a lot of responsibility, and it grew over time.  Then a new faculty publisher came in and suddenly I found my position gradually (though not slowly) being diminished.  She never bothered to even learn what I did and started giving the students more and more responsibility which had formerly been mine (and responsibility that they really couldn't handle given their schedules).  So I felt like I was effectively demoted without changing positions.

In September I moved to the Marketing Department and immediately loved my new job, my new responsibilities, and my new boss.  At the time I reported directly to the Vice President of Marketing, and she gave me quite a bit of autonomy in my position (maybe too much, who knows).

In December the VP left.  In the interim her management responsibilities were split between another VP and a manager in our department (I took on some of her non-management responsibilities).  So for the transition period I knew that I was working under that manager.  I wasn't thrilled by that - I like her, but she's not a very good supervisor (her communication skills are seriously lacking).  But I figured I could survive, and they were pretty quick in finding a new VP, so all seemed good.

Then in early January the Dean sent an email to the entire school announcing the new VP.  At the bottom of that email he also mentioned that the manager I had been temporarily working under had been promoted to Assistant VP, and among her responsibilities was supervising some of the Marketing Dept., INCLUDING ME!!!  So, I had been once again effectively demoted (adding a new person/position directly above you in the chain of command is a demotion), and only found out about it through an email that went to the entire school.

I decided over the weekend that there really isn't much I can do about the situation except start to develop an exit strategy.  I've only been in this position for about 5 months, and it's a new role, so I definitely need to hold out longer and learn more.  I'd also like to get through my surgeries while I'm still here rather than having to deal with that with a new employer (especially GRS since it will involve a longer recovery time).

While it's nice to have an exit strategy in mind, it doesn't help much in terms of getting through day-to-day.

So anyway, I just needed to get that out somewhere :-)




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Posted (edited)

There needs to be a "don't like this" thingy to click really, as your posting is depressing, and I feel very sorry for you. I think you have the right idea of hanging on until after surgery, when shortly afterwards I'd be inclined to stick two fingers up at the Dean and Co, or is one finger more derogatory in the US?


Edited by eveannessant
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One finger is customary here :-)

Fortunately I find the situation upsetting and even aggravating, but not depressing - really nothing has made me depressed since last February when I came out 

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Hiya Chrissy. I Am a former Union Shop Steward. I hate the way that Management treat People. Chrissy, this situation stinks of Gender Discrimination. It Is Totally Disgraceful. I fully feel Your hurt over the Situation. Chrissy, You are a Lovely Lady, and You do Not deserve to be treated so badly. Chrissy, Do Not let the " So-And-So's " get You down. Good Luck, Good Health, Take Care, And My Very Best Wishes, Love Stephanie. xx 


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Best thing to do is hang in there until after surgery if at all possible. There are (as I am sure you are aware of) many roadblocks, some very real like a brick wall while others are what you make of them.

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I agree with Karen. Your situation absolutely sucks but it would certainly suck more if you capitulate now (although they may not even be aware of it) and bow out before you get what you can out of them, which is your GRS and other care. At least then you can leave with your head held high. There may even also be a small chance that there will be more turnover. I found it odd that there is already been so much in such a short time. Don't count on it of course but who knows, patience and steady performance on your part may win the day on the career front as well.

Another idea: where did the VP whom you liked go? Maybe somewhere that she'd like you to join her?

Best wishes,


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Hiya Chrissy. Emma has definitely made some excellent comment's there. Chrissy, get what You can out of the Perisher's, and make it work for You, Love. Look after Number One Chrissy, and that Is You. Chrissy, Have a Good Day, and a Great Weekend ahead. Remember Chrissy, We are here, for You. Good Luck, Good Health, Take Care, And My Very Best Wishes, Love Stephanie. xx 

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