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That weird moment...

when you're browsing transgender oriented stores for your mate and suddenly are considering things for yourself too.   Is this something like what Nikki feels shopping on the woman's websites?  That this stuff is nice, I'm not the intended clientele, but dangit I want to wear some of this.  Then I trip over my own social paranoia like I'm not supposed to take these items and wear them, they're not meant for me, and then I realize wow, that is a silly feeling if the whole idea of embracing this new adventure we're on is that it doesn't matter who the clothes were meant for, only how the person who wears them feels.  Nikki is on an unholy quest to find me things he wants to see me in, after I (somewhat more timidly than I like to admit, behave dismorphia, embrace that Nikki finds me pretty and dress up for him) asked him if maybe the answer for my really awkward body shape and weight distribution might be found in these stores.  It never even occured to me before this to look.  I didn't close down Nikki's world, and for that he's opening up mine and maybe this won't help at all, but the possibility and looking at things is fun and good bonding with Nikki. 

He's also threatening to take up sewing and waved an unholy amount of scratchy-type lace at me that will make my skin go crazy...I think it's supposed to be motivation to work hard on finding better clothing with him.  It also made me realize the last thing I ever sewed was my first wedding dress (made my own!) and how long ago that was.  Talk about skill atrophy.


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I think it's utterly delightful that you're finding things you like. Go ahead and order them, girl! Enjoy yourself! I'd be willing to bet that Nikki'd be delighted too to see you having some fun. 

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I will once I get confirmation from Nikki that the items will work with my hernia!  :)  I've had a few clothing surprised there, and with money being tight I want to have a better unbaised degree of certainty that I'll be able to wear it instead of putting it on once, OUCH< and tossing it in the closet.  Well, at least there is the I can give it to Nikki option now until his weight loss way skyrockets past mine when that happens.

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I think it would be fun to share clothes if and when you reach that point.

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We're already at that point Blue, I was giving my closet a hard cleaning out, and he grabbed up most of it. We have an arrangement that anything on the right of the divider (a very small section) is mine only, and the rest is a free for all, and he has no problem with his female wardrobe being a freefor all other than his comfy pajamas.  Which aren't the kind I like and highly unlikely to be raided by me, as he is unlikely to want to wear mine.  I like the shorts and short sleeve tshirt type, he went full on sleeves and long flannels.  WE'll probably fall outta synch as one of the advantages of being a gm is he loses weight faster tahn me.  *grumbles* 



well maybe even better if you're not fighting over the same pieces.



Oh there was only one fight when he put my one gray dress on the wrong side.  It would have been okay but he tried to wear a patterned dress like a jumper over a competing patterned tshirt and my eyes wept.  




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