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The germs have invaded

Awake stupidly early.  Spent much of yesterday sleeping or cuddled up in the blankets next to Nikki who was watching movies after the meltdown.  So we're both on this new supposedly low dose blood pressure medication since we're minority's but consistently above the normal range.  And my camel status has been officially revoked to a degree that is crazy.  So between waking up at four am again or explode all that sleep and I feel really bad is not letting me get back to sleep.  And my voice is going under.  Which will make my job fun because I answer the phones.   Bree has a weird voice to begin with.  Add the dead frog effect and even Nikki has to really sort out what I'm saying.  

Nikki working with me on what can be a marriage breaking issue that I didn't realize I was even carrying around has relieved so much internal unhappy.  It's funny how little we really know ourselves sometimes until the right thing makes us see.  

Froggy Bree is done rambling weirdly now and signing off.  


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"Low blood pressure medication" because you're both a minority?

"Camel status has been revoked"?

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Oh good grief, I should not type on the IPad ever.  We are not a minority, we are MINORLY over the healthy range in blood pressure.  It's a few points over, but consistantly, so she wants to treat it.  My ipad apparently decided it has a different idea of what I was trying to express.  I keep forgetting to proofread that thing better, autocorrect.  *headdesk* 

And I used to be known as the family camel.  I rarely have to go, had a very good bladder.  Now on these dang pills I'm constantly going to the bathroom and waking up at night a couple times to do so.  Despite taking the dose in the morning to avoid that.  Nikki seems to be doing better on it than me.  THe pills are insanely small, I wasn't sure I was actually swallowing them til the effects hit. 

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