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It's almost summer.... ok lets deal with sping first

I know that this winter has especially taken a toll on me but how about the rest of you ladies and gental men ? This winters snow fall has seamed to grow considerably since the last years , I should know I have traveled about 84 % of this winter in snow and icy conditions, not to mention the end has been wet thank goodness for that I was about to snap if I had to see one more snow flake fall . ... I really dislike the cold and I really dislike those that seem to think they have to be out in the inclimate weather, why in the world dont these idiots stay at the house and out of harms way , they dont know how to drive on the dry roads let alone when mother nature stacks on ice and snow .... Trust me if I didn't have to I wouldn't even step one foot out into the stuff , but since the frieght has to get to the stores I must ( for now anyhow ) ... I know that there are times that you need to get out and run to the store for food but just to be out in the stuff to run around eeeessshhhh no wonder nature has natual selection..... Ok I wont say any more just look to hear the tales from you all .... And By The Way .... Thank you all for just being who you are .


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