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Waiting on bad news.

Took Nikki's favorite cat to the vet, her purr has gone weird and she lost a lotta weight, we thought she had a respiratory infection or something.  Unfortunately, it's looking like something and not an infection.  They are sending her xrays and labs out, but the prevailing thought right now is that our kitty girl has lung cancer.  :(  So not happy right now, and desperately hoping for a hail mary your local vet was wrong, it's nothing.  I know she's 14, but I'm just not ready.


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Me too. We had to say good bye to a wonderful cat about six months ago. I still get choked up when I think of her. She was a good friend, UNLIKE the other one we have which only gives attention to my wife... 

I think cats are mystical and wonderful. I'm sorry, Bree, that you and Nicki are having to face this now. It is very hard.


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Thank you.  Having support from awesome people like you two really helps.  A lot of people don't understand the love of a cat, and how much it hurts.  We have a cat like yours, he only wants to interact with me.  But the female is Nikki's baby, and they cuddle all the time.  We knew she was vulnerable in general, she has epilepsy, pico, and showing signs of feline alzhiemers (that is actaully a thing, I thought Nikki was going slightly odd when he started asking if it was possible but the vet confirmed it). 

SO the plan now I guess is to to let nature take it's course, and call the vet when she stops having good days and enjoying her life.  Right now she's doing great, bullying the other cats and the dog.  She's a grand old lady who takes no guff from anyone. 



I'm so sorry things are tough. Went through a very tough time with my dog this year. She's recovered well, which is a relief that I cannot quite express. But I know the pain and heartache when a pet is sick and I wish you all my love and strength <3

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The follow up call came through, there is no hail mary they made a mistake for our poor kitty girl.  We talked about options, but chose palliative care to give her as good a quality of life as she has left.  They gave her an antibiotic shot since there is some evidence of bronchitis, and put her on prednisone for life.  Apparently in animals a steroid will slow the growth of the cancer and extend her time.  So yeah.  She is in a FABULOUS mood after getting a needle in the rump.  *hiding under her desk as she types this, don't let the angry cat find me!*

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