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Finding Peace

Ok people, so this isn't technically - or at least not fully - about being trans, but something I need an outlet for.  It might be a bit meandering.

I've been going through a difficult stretch, including a series of "endings" that have left me feeling - well, I don't quite know, but I know a thought that has crossed my mind several times is "when will I find peace?"

The endings - (1) I'm applying to grad school and on Friday got a rejection from one of them - the one that was by far my first choice; (2) the drag queen who often lets me guest perform is no longer doing her show at the bar I go to; (3) my 2 best friends are about to move to California; (4) one of my favorite uncles passed away in January; (5) ... I know there are a few more, but I'm blanking right now.

This is all on top of having a job that has gotten progressively worse over the past few months, and there is absolutely no sign of it turning around anytime soon (or ever).

So how do I find peace?  I used that line in therapy today and she asked me what that would look like to me, peace. My initial answer was that I would have a job that I didn't hate going to every day and didn't cause endless annoyance and stress. As I thought about it on my way back to work I know that that was too specific an answer, but a good lead-in to maybe figure it out.  Because it's not about getting things to be happening the way I want them to, it's about getting me to think about things differently.  I think the serenity prayer is always a good baseline - give me the courage to change the things I can, the strength to accept the things I can't, and the wisdom to know the difference.

I think this is related - but keep in mind I did say I might meander :-)  Every Wednesday I go to a supervision group for the volunteer organization I belong to, and last week (at our last session) I made a comment about how this group, for those 2 hours a week, allow me to feel completely comfortable with my complete identity.  It's not that they accept me being trans, it just is. And I thought afterwords that if I can feel that way in the group, i should be able to feel that way anywhere :-)  Just knowing that I'm capable of feeling that way makes it possible.

To relate that back to the broader theme - I'm capable of accepting difficult things, so I should be able to accept any difficult thing.  Ok, that's just a starting point perhaps.

One final point on the grad school thing. Being rejected by my first choice school actually hurt me a lot more than I expected.  I think that although I harbor some doubts about being able to do it, I assumed the choice would be mine (I'd be accepted and then decide if I want to go).  But this really was crushing - I got home from work the day I got the rejection and literally cried for about an hour (and even thinking about it right now almost makes me start again). It became really clear that "coming out" as transgender finally made it possible for me to realize where my passion lies, and to have that set-back on the path to fulfilling it was very painful.  It doesn't end things, I have a couple of other applications out still, but those options would be more difficult - but probably worth pursuing.

So thank you to anyone who got this far - and if you didn't, well you're not seeing this now so there's no reason for me to say anything to you - but I understand :-)




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Thank you Veronica :-)  It's always enough just to have this space to get things out, but definitely an added benefit to get a kind response.

My uncle was older, and hadn't been doing well, and honestly I hadn't seen him in quite awhile. We were closer when I was younger, but then drifted. 

As for my friends, we had also been drifting, so I'll most likely let that go - distance rarely works for me in that kind of situation. I don't like to travel to start with, and I have no interest in going to LA - with apologies to anyone on here who lives in LA :-)

There are also some beginnings - like my volunteer work with Identity House, and one particular friendship that's emerging from that.

So peace will happen :-)

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Posted (edited)

Hiya Chrissy. Firstly Sweetheart, My Sincerest Deepest Condolences; and My Sincere Deepest Sympathies; on the Loss of Your Uncle. My Thought's Are with You. Secondly, II did Read Your Whole Post, As Always. Thirdly, I wish that I lived near You, because You obviously could have used a shoulder to cry on. Chrissy, I have always been an emotional Girl, ever since I first realised, at the age of 3, that I Am Female; Trapped; in A Male Body. Chrissy, there is no shame, whatsoever, in letting Your emotion's out. It Is far better than bottling thing's up, and making Yourself ILL. Chrissy, You can be so Proud of being the Lovely; Pretty; Beautiful; Young Lady; that You are. Thing's WILL work out for You, so Please Do Not give up Hope. I know what You mean, about Hating Your Employment. You WILL find something better - Soon ! Chrissy, Good Luck; Good Health; Take Care; And My Love, And My Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xxxx 

Edited by Steph53
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For what it's worth, I think showing a 'whole person' in these journals is as important as just discussing trans issues.  It's really easy to get confused as a reader and think "If you/your spouse has this, is that ALL there is?  Does it take over the entire life?"  So it's lovely to see the whole person kinda post.  :) 

I'm sorry you are in the same place Nikki and I are workwise, a bad job just drains out the energy and joy from a person.  What works for us is enjoying home life with a vengeance at the end of the day!  Is it as ideal as finding different jobs?  No, but it helps.  Even little things like our scented wax warmer making a good smell while we relax doing something we enjoy goes a long way to restoring the inner selves.

I'm so sorry about your loss, cycles of life can be really painful.  BIg hugs. 

I wish you the best of luck in pursuing your career, and we can't control the doors that close, all we can do is walk through the other ones that open with open minds and try to get the most out of what lies beyond! 

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